Hans_lune Wrote:
> Okay but you initially said if we changed one it
> would work - it didn't
You misunderstood or I misspoke,. I do remember saying that we could take one word (shu) and see that it always has the same "meaning" in a sentence. The problem was even though it was always associated with "upward" it was not always obvious it was associated with upward because we always tend to parse sentences. If you parse AL the meaning is lost. You must change every word and model the resultant. This modeling is easier than it sounds because usually the meaning is literal.
> You said it would work it didn't.
I certainly never said reality can be understood in terms of any single experiment or that AL could be understood by using my "defintion" of any given term.
> Okay will restart the Shu experiment in the next
> few days and you can tell us what the other words
> have to be changed too, along with a full lexicon
> and translation of the entire PT in AL, with
> explanations of why you changed the meaning - I
> mean you've already done it haven't you? - of
> course that meaning will be fixed to.
I don't believe I "changed" any meaning at all. I believe I solved the meaning of most of the words in the Pyramid Texts by the determination of what every word meant in order to be correct in context. By solving a few words meanings of other words become apparent. It just snowballs.
> We will then compare your current translations of
> PT sentences to what you've said in the past that
> they meant - i.e. why you didn't change those
> words then and only the one's like
> Shu..........that should be FUN!!!!!
The sentences can only be interpreted in English. This is a continual process but the general thrust of these ritual was understood long ago so the interpretations are usually just about the same. Ironically since everything said in English can be deconstructed in an infinite number of ways even "new" interpretations can be the same as older ones that were not quite right.
It should be pointed out that a single word can completely change the meaning of a sentence just like in English. Since words can't be translated any tweaking of the model of what they mean affects meaning.
This really isn't difficult though. when they said "bring me the boat that flies up and alights" this is exactly what they meant literally. They were referring to the dndndr-boat which was that overseen by nephthys and later called "the ascender". It is one of the "two boats tied together" and it was specifically the boat that carried the stone for "house basket".
Just don't expect an untranslatable language to be parseable or to be "readable". It can only be modelled by those who don't think like an Egyptian and NONE of us do.
Man fears the pyramid, time fears man.