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July 27, 2024, 4:34 am UTC    
September 24, 2022 08:57AM
Byrd Wrote:
> > > cladking Wrote:

> > The Pyramid Texts
> > simply leaped out as not containing any of the
> > words that cause the the incidence of word
> usage
> > to be a straight line on a logarithmic scale.
> It
> > was researching this that led me to Zipf's Law.

> Except that you don't know this. You're working
> from the ENGLISH (and outdated) translation which
> isn't the same as the original.

I have no reason to doubt that the words were translated correctly. This isn't about good or bad translations but rather about translating a language that is unparseable. Most of the non-literal translations actually introduce more words and make it appear to more closely obey the law yet it still does not.

> I haven't seen any proof of an "Ancient Language"
> other than Egyptian.

Either this language is contradictory and internally inconsistent or my assumption is correct that all people always make sense. I'm still betting on my assumption and the literal meaning of the PT that does make sense. It is merely silly little rituals associated with the kings' ascension ceremonies. If my assumption is correct than AL exists and the PT is not a book of incantation.

> I'd seriously like to see what the other
> definitions (in English) are for the word "four."
> Not the spoke one. The written one. Likewise
> "for" and "fore."

My unabridged 1952 Funk and Wagnall's Lists a 60 word definition for "fore" about 250 words for "for" and 350 for "four". Don't forget that not one of these definitions have any meaning at all without each word in those definitions being defined and each of the words of the definition of the definition must be defined as well. It won't do any good to understand the words no matter how many you look up because you'll just find more words (more opinion) underlies every one of them. Also don't forget that words have more than an infinite number of meanings because they each have connotations which can wholly change the meaning of a sentence.

It's a wonder we can communicate at all but we do it by trying to parse sentences as the author intended. One of the chief causes of communication failure is that when we don't like the speaker or we assume he is making no sense we stop trying to parse sentences as were intended and start looking for his many logical flaws.

There can be no such thing as logic in a parseable language because every speaker still takes a different meaning.

The irony is in ancient language "four" wasn't even "defined" and was simply represented as "/ / / /".

"Four" in Ancient Language was representative, digital, and metaphysical. It meant one single thing and could not be defined,. As such it also can not be translated because nobody knows which of the numerous definitions is intended. You must model it as "/ / / /". No more no less.

> > All modern human languages are symbolic,
> > abstract,
> > and have no fixed definitions.

> If that was true we couldn't communicate.

People just don't notice communication failures. I've overheard two people holding a conversation on two distinctly different topics.

> What the heck? "Metaphysics" is not the same as
> "basis of science."

Words not only have no fixed meanings they evolve over short periods of time and sometimes with disastrous results. My dictionary says "inflammable" means" can explode but now the word means "does not burn". "if you have a fire just spread something inflammable on it".

"Metaphysics" used to mean this and it is still the best word. We've lost sight of the fact that science even has a basis. One might use "epistemology" but this word is too "mathematical" in nature to describe something that can not be expressed mathematically.

To each his own.

> > It's impossible because words lack fixed
> > meanings. Ancient words had fixed meanings.

> I think you just contradicted yourself.

Our words have only the meaning intended by the author. This is always parsed differently than was intended.

Ancient words had fixed meanings and author intent was always apparent. If you failed to take his meaning the sentence sounded like gobbledty gook.

Man fears the pyramid, time fears man.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/24/2022 09:03AM by cladking.
Subject Author Posted

Happy 200th Hieroglyphs Deciphering Anniversary Day, Champollion!

Hermione September 14, 2022 02:48AM

Re: Happy 200th Hieroglyphs Deciphering Day, Champollion!

engbren September 17, 2022 06:49AM

Thanks (n/t)

Hermione September 17, 2022 07:45AM


cladking September 17, 2022 01:04PM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 20, 2022 01:13AM

Re: Thanks

Hermione September 20, 2022 05:21AM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 20, 2022 10:13AM

Re: Thanks

Hermione September 20, 2022 10:27AM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 20, 2022 01:40PM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 20, 2022 04:25PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 21, 2022 09:28AM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 21, 2022 11:03AM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 21, 2022 12:50PM

Young and Champollion

Hermione September 21, 2022 04:02PM

Very interesting, thanks (n/t)

cladking September 22, 2022 10:20AM

You cannot translate or 'interpret' a language you cannot read

Hans_lune September 21, 2022 05:08PM

Re: Thanks

Byrd September 21, 2022 04:51PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 22, 2022 10:18AM

Re: Thanks

Byrd September 22, 2022 12:04PM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 22, 2022 12:15PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 22, 2022 02:13PM

Re: Thanks

Hermione September 22, 2022 02:38PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 22, 2022 03:12PM

Re: Thanks

Hermione September 22, 2022 05:05PM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 22, 2022 06:15PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 23, 2022 08:57AM

Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

Hermione September 23, 2022 10:05AM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

Hans_lune September 23, 2022 11:56AM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

Hermione September 23, 2022 02:32PM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

cladking September 23, 2022 07:08PM

A full translation of the PT into AL?

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 04:38PM

Re: A full translation of the PT into AL?

cladking September 24, 2022 04:58PM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

cladking September 23, 2022 11:58AM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

Hermione September 23, 2022 02:23PM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

cladking September 23, 2022 04:50PM


Hans_lune September 24, 2022 04:41PM

Re: Really?

cladking September 24, 2022 05:12PM

Re: Really?

cladking September 24, 2022 05:20PM

We don't believe a word you are saying, your opinions are not facts

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 05:27PM

Re: We don't believe a word you are saying, your opinions are not facts

cladking September 24, 2022 05:46PM

Re: We don't believe a word you are saying, your opinions are not facts

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 05:55PM


Hans_lune September 24, 2022 05:28PM

Rejected for lack of evidence

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 05:29PM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyph ic characters

Hermione September 25, 2022 04:18AM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 22, 2022 06:13PM

Re: Thanks

Byrd September 23, 2022 11:09PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 24, 2022 08:57AM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 24, 2022 09:11AM

They did not think at all and had no word for "think" or any abstraction.

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 04:43PM

Ancient lanaguage is debunked

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 04:31PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 22, 2022 02:28PM

no matter how much you spew nonsense - it still remains nonsense

Hans_lune September 22, 2022 03:04PM

(To Byrd) Hear, hear! (n/t)

Hermione September 22, 2022 02:30PM

Re: (To Byrd) Hear, hear! (n/t)

Hans_lune September 22, 2022 03:05PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 22, 2022 10:40AM

More on Ancient Languages ...

Hermione September 22, 2022 04:58PM

Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 05:31PM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 06:12PM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Hermione September 25, 2022 04:40AM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

cladking September 28, 2022 08:45AM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Hermione September 28, 2022 09:12AM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Hans_lune September 28, 2022 11:20AM

Cladking remains debunked - ancient language doesn't exist

Hans_lune September 28, 2022 11:32AM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Byrd September 28, 2022 07:59PM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Hans_lune September 28, 2022 08:35PM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

cladking October 01, 2022 09:14AM

Shu experiment shows you are wrong

Hans_lune October 01, 2022 11:01AM

Ancient (Goofy) Language debunked

Hans_lune September 27, 2022 10:54PM

Best evidence of geysers

Hans_lune September 29, 2022 11:56PM

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