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July 27, 2024, 3:31 am UTC    
September 23, 2022 11:56AM
Hermione Wrote:
> cladking Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> ...
> > While I lack any expertise in
> > the field, if I am right there are numerous
> > glyphs I understand that Egyptology does not.
> ...
> OK.
> Can you provide one or two examples of these
> hieroglyphs that you understand, but Egyptologist
> don't?
> (If you could provide links, or if you subscribe
> to image hosting, that would be very helpful.

He learned early on not to write things down as that prevented him from making stuff up on the fly to suit what he needed.

One of the few pieces of info he did put out is this partial lexicon


""""Eye of Horus: Any opening through which the water naturally flows or is intended to flow.
Serpent, snake: Any opening through which a fluid passes that was not intended.
Uraeus serpent: Gas flow from the natural (original) Eye of Horus.
“I[].t-wt.t”, “efflux”: CO2, carbon dioxide, “risings begetter” in Egyptian
[]nw-boat: The counterweight which lifted the stones and in which Osiris became Seker.
Fire-pan: A signaling device that was a floating oil lamp and burned out if the water stopped.
Rennenutet: A small ridge in the Upper Eye of Horus that channeled CO2 under the fire pan.
Shm-sceptre; an oar shaped device which was inserted into the crown in the Eye of Horus to deflect it.
Crown: The top of the column of water.
Duat: Geyser. In Egyptian this referred to the entire geyser from its origin to the Marsh of Offerings.
Natron, a libation: A chemical introduced to force eruptions.
The winding watercourse: The waterways on the pyramid top and base.
Mehet Weret Cow; Contained the Upper Eye of Horus and channeled the celestial waters.
Arms of Nut: The drilled wells through which the water sprayed.
Nbht-sceptre; A device that sat in the nurse canal in the mehet weret and waved the “variegated feathers” when water flowed.
Horus; God of the Land of Rainbows (the geyser field where the great pyramids were built)
Set; The water under and on the ground.
Apron, SSMT: This was the “sacred girdle”, the water catchment device that surrounded pyramids.
Nhi: God of the Year. The quantity of water caught in the Saquarra catchment and recorded on the Palermo Stone.
Boat of 770 Cubits: The G2 apron.
Serket: the Goddess of the northern counterweight and the air siphon which allowed respiration in G1.
Nephthys: “house basket” The Goddess of the eastern ascender.
The sons of Horus: These were Gods of the four sides of the pyramid.
Anubis: The God of the pyramid top which oversaw all operations.
Kebehwet: Goddess of top pressure.
Nehebkau: The hydraulic cycle.
Lake of the Jackal: The queens chamber which became smaller with altitude.
Dm-sceptres: the rollers, greased stones, or (more likely) pulleys which transferred forces across the pyramid top.
Ba-sceptre: (one of three ba sceptres) A weir on the pyramid top which defined Kebehwet.
WAs-scepter: A tool to operate the djed.
The Djed: A hollow sycamore log which directed the water at the Eye. The word means stable in all four dimensions.
Shu, Tefnut: “Gods” of upward and downward.
Atum: The natural outlet for water at Giza.
Ben ben: A conically shaped stone that formed on the primeval mound and the ka of Atum.
Primeval mound: The minerals that accreted at the outlet.
Ma’at: Balance. This is not only the balance of nature and way to live but the balance used to lift stones.
Ma’at pole: The balance indicator on the pyramid top used by the “ferryman”.
Ladder: Counterweight or ascender run (usually upon the pyramid itself).
Ladder of Set: Cliff face counterweights at G1.
Stairway: The pyramid.
House of Life; The pyramid.
Mr (instrument of ascension): The pyramid.
The ka of the king: The pyramid.
The word of the Gods: The pyramid.
The Sky: The tomb of the king.
Osiris: A column of cool effervescent water that off-gasses CO2.
Broadhall: The caves through which Osiris flows.
Rosteau: Giza, literally “the place of the mouth of caves”.
Those with ready hands: The human pyramid builders.
The ankh: A representation of the geyser and a sort of “catechism” to remember the Gods.
Long strides: The 80’ vertical drop of the counterweights.
[]b[]w, heaven, the heights, doors of heaven, etc: “the height” at which water was caught.
Blessed Dead: Ba-sceptre operators. Specifically wAs-sceptre that operated the djed and Shm-sceptre at upper eye.
Thot: Human progresss, knowledge (advance in human knowledge).

There are quite a few more and many more specifics.""""

It was from this list we took words to run thru the PT to see if they 'fit' 100% as his theory demands

None that we tried did.
Subject Author Posted

Happy 200th Hieroglyphs Deciphering Anniversary Day, Champollion!

Hermione September 14, 2022 02:48AM

Re: Happy 200th Hieroglyphs Deciphering Day, Champollion!

engbren September 17, 2022 06:49AM

Thanks (n/t)

Hermione September 17, 2022 07:45AM


cladking September 17, 2022 01:04PM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 20, 2022 01:13AM

Re: Thanks

Hermione September 20, 2022 05:21AM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 20, 2022 10:13AM

Re: Thanks

Hermione September 20, 2022 10:27AM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 20, 2022 01:40PM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 20, 2022 04:25PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 21, 2022 09:28AM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 21, 2022 11:03AM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 21, 2022 12:50PM

Young and Champollion

Hermione September 21, 2022 04:02PM

Very interesting, thanks (n/t)

cladking September 22, 2022 10:20AM

You cannot translate or 'interpret' a language you cannot read

Hans_lune September 21, 2022 05:08PM

Re: Thanks

Byrd September 21, 2022 04:51PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 22, 2022 10:18AM

Re: Thanks

Byrd September 22, 2022 12:04PM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 22, 2022 12:15PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 22, 2022 02:13PM

Re: Thanks

Hermione September 22, 2022 02:38PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 22, 2022 03:12PM

Re: Thanks

Hermione September 22, 2022 05:05PM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 22, 2022 06:15PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 23, 2022 08:57AM

Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

Hermione September 23, 2022 10:05AM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

Hans_lune September 23, 2022 11:56AM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

Hermione September 23, 2022 02:32PM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

cladking September 23, 2022 07:08PM

A full translation of the PT into AL?

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 04:38PM

Re: A full translation of the PT into AL?

cladking September 24, 2022 04:58PM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

cladking September 23, 2022 11:58AM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

Hermione September 23, 2022 02:23PM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyphic characters

cladking September 23, 2022 04:50PM


Hans_lune September 24, 2022 04:41PM

Re: Really?

cladking September 24, 2022 05:12PM

Re: Really?

cladking September 24, 2022 05:20PM

We don't believe a word you are saying, your opinions are not facts

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 05:27PM

Re: We don't believe a word you are saying, your opinions are not facts

cladking September 24, 2022 05:46PM

Re: We don't believe a word you are saying, your opinions are not facts

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 05:55PM


Hans_lune September 24, 2022 05:28PM

Rejected for lack of evidence

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 05:29PM

Re: Examples of hieroglyphs/hieroglyph ic characters

Hermione September 25, 2022 04:18AM

Re: Thanks

Hans_lune September 22, 2022 06:13PM

Re: Thanks

Byrd September 23, 2022 11:09PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 24, 2022 08:57AM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 24, 2022 09:11AM

They did not think at all and had no word for "think" or any abstraction.

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 04:43PM

Ancient lanaguage is debunked

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 04:31PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 22, 2022 02:28PM

no matter how much you spew nonsense - it still remains nonsense

Hans_lune September 22, 2022 03:04PM

(To Byrd) Hear, hear! (n/t)

Hermione September 22, 2022 02:30PM

Re: (To Byrd) Hear, hear! (n/t)

Hans_lune September 22, 2022 03:05PM

Re: Thanks

cladking September 22, 2022 10:40AM

More on Ancient Languages ...

Hermione September 22, 2022 04:58PM

Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 05:31PM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Hans_lune September 24, 2022 06:12PM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Hermione September 25, 2022 04:40AM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

cladking September 28, 2022 08:45AM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Hermione September 28, 2022 09:12AM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Hans_lune September 28, 2022 11:20AM

Cladking remains debunked - ancient language doesn't exist

Hans_lune September 28, 2022 11:32AM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Byrd September 28, 2022 07:59PM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

Hans_lune September 28, 2022 08:35PM

Re: Early next week we will restart the Shu experiments

cladking October 01, 2022 09:14AM

Shu experiment shows you are wrong

Hans_lune October 01, 2022 11:01AM

Ancient (Goofy) Language debunked

Hans_lune September 27, 2022 10:54PM

Best evidence of geysers

Hans_lune September 29, 2022 11:56PM

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