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February 11, 2025, 9:45 am UTC    
March 17, 2015 11:31AM
Spiros Wrote:
> Quote:Just noticed this .
> Why mention the building of a monument at Giza at
> a particular date then shift attention to another
> site 9,000 km away when there was no building
> going on there that we are aware of , at that date
> ??
> An idea is that megalithic structures, cities, or
> sacred sites relate to transgenerational beings of
> higher intelligence. Just a thought.

With little basis and plenty of imagination .All the transgenerational beings I have met have proved to be bored and boring and with no interest in "encoding " anything , their real interests are in counting calories and watching tv .

Quote:There is no such thing as an "ideal"
> horizon in astronomy , there are only real
> horizons .it is only ideal , i.e. convenient to
> those who are unaware of , can't calculate the
> real horizon or find it useful to keep it zero
> suit some agenda .
> You can call it what you want.

You can't make up terminology and then expect others to have a meaningful discussion .

>For example you can
> say that the Sun has 0 altitude. It could be
> behind a hill but its altitude is still zero.

Only on a software prog ,and not in the real world . You have still not managed to explain how it was calculated ,it is certainly useless and I defy you to provisde an example of it's use from any astronomical text ancient or modern .

Quote:No it doesn't .Heliopolis is where the sun
> was worshipped ,it bears no relation to a swamp in
> northern America . If you take the nonsensical 0
> altitude from Heliopolis at summer solstice in
> 2580 bc and , equally nonsensically , extend the
> line of the sun set azimuth from Heliopolis ,it
> crosses Cuba and the closest it gets to Manhattan
> is nearly a thousand miles to the south .
> Fwiw the bearing from Heliopolis at summer
> solstice sun rise in 2580 bc “leads “ to Shanghai
> , yet another underwhelming ,coincidental
> “encoding “ .
> But this thread is about New York, not Heliopolis.
> The observation point is New York. You station
> yourself there and check the direction in which
> the Sun rises, not sets during Summer Solstice.

New York didn't exist in 2580 BC ,it was a swamp .
Heliopolis did and taking the bearing from the summer solstice rise or set didn't "lead " to New York , but it , equally underwhelmingly , to Shanghai .

> azimuth 6th av. - 42nd street Manhattan -
> Heliopolis obelisk Egypt = 57.562 degrees

at 2532 BC as seen from Manhattan on the
> Summer Solstice the azimuth of the Sun as it
> crosses the horizon rising point exactly to
> Heliopolis. The value as seen from Starry Night
> software is 57.561 degrees.

Starry Night does not tell you the azimuth from anywhere to anywhere else .You can work out the the zero altitude of the sun rise or set and then take that bearing and transfer it into GE. If you do ,you might note that the line also goes through Naples ,another underwhelming fact .

> Now regarding the exact horizon, the direction
> here in question does not cross any hills with
> significant altitude in the North-East(Manhattan,
> Bronx, Connecticut, etc.) so it is safe to
> consider the ideal horizon to represent the ideal
> horizon.

By assuming zero horizons all the time it is apparent you are unaware of how to calculate the correct bearing for a solstice event . In the case of horizons that are lower than the observing point the correct altitude is not 0 ,but due to refraction it is actually less than than zero ,and of course in this case , Heliopolis is not on the horizon .
Subject Author Posted

Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Spiros March 03, 2015 10:47AM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Geotio March 03, 2015 01:46PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Spiros March 03, 2015 03:20PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Geotio March 03, 2015 03:42PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Spiros March 03, 2015 03:50PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Geotio March 03, 2015 06:56PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Spiros March 05, 2015 09:15AM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Geotio March 05, 2015 11:40AM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Spiros March 07, 2015 03:29PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Geotio March 07, 2015 04:03PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Spiros March 08, 2015 10:04AM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Geotio March 08, 2015 10:33AM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Spiros March 08, 2015 04:49PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Geotio March 11, 2015 06:34PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Spiros March 09, 2015 05:47PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Byrd March 06, 2015 03:09PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Geotio March 06, 2015 04:04PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Byrd March 09, 2015 11:50AM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Spiros March 07, 2015 04:46PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Geotio March 07, 2015 05:28PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Byrd March 09, 2015 11:51AM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Geotio March 11, 2015 07:02PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Byrd March 16, 2015 05:46PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Geotio March 17, 2015 03:38AM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Byrd March 18, 2015 06:44PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Geotio March 18, 2015 07:23PM

New York - Heliopolis via Summer Solstice

Spiros March 10, 2015 04:51PM

Re: New York - Heliopolis via Summer Solstice

Geotio March 17, 2015 06:43AM

Re: New York - Heliopolis via Summer Solstice

Spiros March 17, 2015 09:42AM

Re: New York - Heliopolis via Summer Solstice

Geotio March 17, 2015 11:31AM


Spiros March 17, 2015 10:54AM

Re: Shanghai

Geotio March 17, 2015 11:41AM

Re: Shanghai

Spiros March 17, 2015 11:55AM

Re: Shanghai

Geotio March 17, 2015 12:06PM

statistical lunacy continued

Spiros March 17, 2015 11:58AM

Re: statistical lunacy continued

Geotio March 17, 2015 12:40PM

Alexander's birth date encodes the pyramids

Spiros March 18, 2015 08:46AM

Re: Alexander's birth date encodes the pyramids

Geotio March 18, 2015 09:53AM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Roxana Cooper June 27, 2015 04:52PM

Re: Mahnattanhenge encodes Alexander's birth

Rick Baudé June 28, 2015 02:10PM

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