Spiros Wrote:
> Geotio Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Spiros Wrote:
> >
> >
> > Spiros ,
> > anywhere that is on the same latitude will
> have
> > sun rise and sun set at the same bearing on
> the
> > same day as long as the height of the horizon
> is
> > the much the same .
> > So there are countless places on the same
> > latitude as Manhattan that will see the sun
> set at
> > 299 degrees on the same day as New Yorkers
> e.g.
> > Watseksa Illinois,Lima Indiana , Beduido
> Portugal
> > ,Darica Turkey ,Imeni Akhunbabayava
> Uzbekhistan
> > ,Unahara Japan . Of course Pella which is on
> the
> > same latitude as the other sites will also
> see the
> > sun set set on the same as the other sites
> i.e.
> > not Alexander's birthday . Similarly on
> > Alexander's birthday these other sites will
> see
> > the sun set at different bearing and the
> > Manhattanhenge phenomenena will not be
> experienced
> > .
> First of all the phenomena cannot be witnessed on
> Alexander's birthday - every July 21 date. It only
> works the day(date and year) he was born July 21
> 356 BC. There surely are other places with same
> latitude. But do they all have a nice and neat
> parallelogram city grid? Any tall buildings to
> make the present alignment spectacular? Most
> importantly are their city grids - if a uniform
> one exists - aligned to the 299 degree azimuth
> direction?
The sun doesn't set at 299 degrees at any of the sites on his birthday ,and none of the places , including Manhattan and Pella , had grids aligned at 299 degrees at the time of Alexander's birth .