Geotio Wrote:
> Spiros Wrote:
> Spiros ,
> anywhere that is on the same latitude will have
> sun rise and sun set at the same bearing on the
> same day as long as the height of the horizon is
> the much the same .
> So there are countless places on the same
> latitude as Manhattan that will see the sun set at
> 299 degrees on the same day as New Yorkers e.g.
> Watseksa Illinois,Lima Indiana , Beduido Portugal
> ,Darica Turkey ,Imeni Akhunbabayava Uzbekhistan
> ,Unahara Japan . Of course Pella which is on the
> same latitude as the other sites will also see the
> sun set set on the same as the other sites i.e.
> not Alexander's birthday . Similarly on
> Alexander's birthday these other sites will see
> the sun set at different bearing and the
> Manhattanhenge phenomenena will not be experienced
> .
First of all the phenomena cannot be witnessed on Alexander's birthday - every July 21 date. It only works the day(date and year) he was born July 21 356 BC. There surely are other places with same latitude. But do they all have a nice and neat parallelogram city grid? Any tall buildings to make the present alignment spectacular? Most importantly are their city grids - if a uniform one exists - aligned to the 299 degree azimuth direction?