Geotio Wrote:
> Fwiw the bearing from Heliopolis at summer
> solstice sun rise in 2580 bc “leads “ to Shanghai
> , yet another underwhelming ,coincidental
> “encoding “ .
It seems that the tallest Chinese skyscraper (architectural height = 492 meters) was planned based on the present Sun rise at Summer Solstice direction. This works for the optical sun rise - below the horizon.
the data:
azimuth Khufu pyramid - Shanghai World Financial Center = 62.124 degrees
sun rise azimuth June 21 2014 AD{Summer Solstice} - Khufu pyramid = 62.127 degrees.
I had drawn the line previously bud had not labeled populated places on Google Earth. Thanks for noticing this.
sun rise on the horizon azimuth July 15 2580 BC{Summer Solstice} - Khufu pyramid = 62.02 degrees.
Another thing we notice is that just like Pella has equal latitude to central Manhattan, Shanghai has similar latitude to Shanghai. But that's not all, the line uniting Kafre's pyramid to central Manhattan crosses very close to Alexandria! The common denominator to all this seems to be Alexander.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2015 11:00AM by Spiros.