Hermione Wrote:
> Holger Isenberg Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > And not to forget Michel Barsoum, Prof for
> > Material Science of modern industrial ceramics
> at
> > Drexel University, who came to the conclusion
> by
> > SEM analysis of actual Great Pyramid stones in
> > 2006, that at least the outer few layers are
> > artificial limestone, reagglomerated from
> crushed
> > lose limestone from the known quarries and
> > surroundings:
> >
> >
> [
> What Barsoum and Ganguly said in their 2006 paper
> (Microstructural Evidence of Reconstituted
> Limestone Blocks in the Great Pyramids of Egypt,
> J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 89 [12] 3788–3796 -
> [
> was:
We believe ... that our work presents
> enough evidence to entertain the
> possibility that crucial parts of the Great
> Pyramids are indeed
> made of reconstituted limestone; only more
> research will tell. (3795)
> As stated here
> [
This ... conclusion seems to indicate that
> the research conducted by Barsoum and Ganguly is
> not sufficient to confirm Mr. Davidovits'
> hypothesis. (Cette conclusion ... semble
> indiquer que les recherches menées par Barsoum et
> Ganguly ne sont pas suffisantes pour confirmer
> l’hypothèse de M. Davidovits.)
> A belief is not quite the same thing as a
> conclusion.
Yes a non-archaeology example. JFK assassination. We find that the Dallas book depository was owned in 1963 by one Col. D. Harold Byrd!
So, I believe our Byrd here at this august forum is in some way involved in the assassination of JFK. While I might believe this it is not a conclusion based on evidence - unless our Byrd would like to confess her involvement.