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November 28, 2005 11:25AM
Roxana Cooper Wrote:
> JimLewandowski Wrote:
> > > You ever heard of Anti-Semitism?
> >
> > ***
> > No, I live in a cave.
> Oh. That explains it.
> > Moral relativism? I'm shocked that so many
> > "academicians" bring moral relativism to
> something
> > like this. FTR, I don't CARE which group
> commits
> > which misdeeds. I do care about calling out
> those
> > facts and having the evildoers own up to
> what
> > they've done. If people want to support
> > evildoers, they have that prerogative.
> My point, Jim is that the behavior of the
> Catholic
> Church in the past was part and parcel of the
> mores
> of the time.

WRONG. It was maybe acceptable for the mores of large groups or organizations, but not for the individual. Did people who MIGHT have been non-believers (witches, heretics) think killing people for their beliefs was wrong? Of course they thought it was wrong.

As can be seen by the fact other,
> opposing
> groups did that same.

Keyword: groups.

Is it fair to say that groups that did NOT act like the CC did so because they didn't believe the actions of the CC were moral?

Thus if you are inclined to
> blame the modern Catholic Church for the sins of
> its long
> past you must logically condemn the Protestant
> Churches as
> well.

Exactly. Consistency.

> Now personally I don't believe in blaming
> present day people
> and organizations for the misdeeds of their
> forbearers.

Neither do I.

Or in
> judging the past by the mores of the present.
> Clearly you
> feel differently.

The CC has PRESENTLY conspired to hide nefarious acts committed by employees of said organization. You can't seem to grasp this SIMPLE concept. If the CC had been "clean" for the last hundred years, I'd be willing to cut them a break. But, naturally, they couldn't do it.

And, I will bet any amount of money the CC will commit nefarious deeds that go against the MORES OF THE TIME over and over again.

> Allow me to make one point clear. Neither I nor
> I believe anybody
> here is talking about banning TDVC or any other
> tendentious work.
> I am merely explaining why it is necessary to
> energetically challenge
> and debunk such works.

It's not necessary. If not ONE person takes ACTION based on their beliefs that much in DVC is truthful, it's MOOT. Do you really think DVC will have any affect anywhere in society that involves ACTION.

Yes, virtually all in my DVC group said reading DVC has caused them to look more into the beliefs they had been taught. But, this is personal (beliefs) that occur between one's own ears and don't directly affect any others.



Shephard of Hermas - 2[79]:2 Now this rock was ancient, and had a gate hewn out of it; but the gate seemed to me to have been hewed out quite recently. And the gate glistened beyond the brightness of the sun, so that I marvelled at the brightness of the gate.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2005 11:27AM by JimLewandowski.
Subject Author Posted

Defamation in Fiction

Pacal November 26, 2005 09:51PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Jason Colavito November 27, 2005 08:18AM

any info. regarding defamation of groups?

JimLewandowski November 27, 2005 09:55AM

Re: any info. regarding defamation of groups?

Warwick L Nixon November 27, 2005 12:23PM

Re: any info. regarding defamation of groups?

JimLewandowski November 27, 2005 12:29PM

Re: any info. regarding defamation of groups?

Warwick L Nixon November 27, 2005 03:11PM

Re: any info. regarding defamation of groups?

JimLewandowski November 27, 2005 03:42PM

Re: any info. regarding defamation of groups?

Warwick L Nixon November 28, 2005 10:39AM

Re: any info. regarding defamation of groups?

Joanne November 27, 2005 02:51PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Richard Fusniak November 27, 2005 01:09PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

John Wall November 27, 2005 01:10PM

[post deleted]

Stephen Tonkin November 27, 2005 01:56PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Roxana Cooper November 27, 2005 01:48PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

JimLewandowski November 27, 2005 02:07PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Warwick L Nixon November 27, 2005 03:15PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Joanne November 27, 2005 03:58PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Warwick L Nixon November 28, 2005 10:44AM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Roxana Cooper November 27, 2005 04:44PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

JimLewandowski November 27, 2005 05:19PM


lobo-hotei November 27, 2005 07:06PM

Re: Request

Warwick L Nixon November 28, 2005 10:45AM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Pacal November 27, 2005 07:21PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

JimLewandowski November 27, 2005 08:57PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Pacal November 28, 2005 11:09AM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

JimLewandowski November 28, 2005 11:43AM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Warwick L Nixon November 28, 2005 11:51AM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

JimLewandowski November 28, 2005 12:02PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Warwick L Nixon November 28, 2005 12:09PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

JimLewandowski November 28, 2005 12:13PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Warwick L Nixon November 28, 2005 12:16PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Roxana Cooper November 28, 2005 11:05AM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

JimLewandowski November 28, 2005 11:25AM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Warwick L Nixon November 28, 2005 11:37AM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

JimLewandowski November 28, 2005 11:40AM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Warwick L Nixon November 28, 2005 11:47AM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Lee November 28, 2005 12:57PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Warwick L Nixon November 28, 2005 01:04PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

JimLewandowski November 28, 2005 01:08PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Roxana November 28, 2005 12:56PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Roxana November 28, 2005 12:59PM

Re: Defamation in Fiction

Warwick L Nixon November 28, 2005 01:05PM

Roxana, re: your Q on sources for Vatican secret archives

JimLewandowski November 28, 2005 01:15PM

Moderators PLEASE!!!

Warwick L Nixon November 28, 2005 01:22PM

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