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And since the ankh represents the planet Jupiter, we remember that Jupiter is Zeus and Zeus in ancient Greek was also called Zan. Let's now write this name in Linear B.
Ancient History
If one looks at the astronomic data of our solar system, apart from the so called Titius–Bode law of planetary distances - which doesn't work for all planets anyway, what one notices it the distances between the planets and the Sun, especially the limits - minimum distance , maximum distance, but also the mean distance(semi-major axis) are based - with a small degree of error for each case o
Ancient History
What center? It looks like the loop - circle is joined in the center of the horizontal line, same as the ankh. Can you explain what you mean by solid bottom? In the Egyptian examples presented in this web site I saw nothing different than the Mexican Ankh. That is apart from one where the bottom part of the vertical line is rounded. The flared lines I think designate non linear trajectories - li
Ancient History
Does anybody know what the platform type structures North - North/East of the Sun pyramid in Teotihucan represent? In the map below there are 4 irregular parallelograms forming a square. Any ideas of what they were for and why they were placed in that specific position?
Ancient History
Does anybody know of a map depicting the position of this find or cemetery in general, or better yet its geographical coordinates? Is it South Abusir, like the Excavation site text in this contour map:
Ancient Egypt
Well the specific pyramid can be considered as the dwelling place of the dead Netjerykhet. Therefore it might relate to a Hebrew version of Hades.
This reminds us of Anubis the jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian religion. Curiously enough we notice a relation with the 732 number:
ANOYBIS = 1 + 50 + 70 + 400 + 2 + 10 + 200 = 733
If we use
Ancient Egypt
Regarding the 1461 number what's interesting is that the Hellenic gematria value of the word Apollyon is 1461(Oa is Omega):
APOLLYOaN = 1 + 80 + 70 + 30 + 30 + 400 + 800 + 50 = 1461
"The Hebrew term Abaddon and its Greek equivalent Apollyon, appear in the Bible as a place of destruction and an angel, respectively. In the Hebrew Bible, abaddon is used with reference to a
Ancient Egypt
I heard somewhere that Horus was born at the end of the Egyptian year - November 15. Is this correct? Can we determine the exact date? I know they used a 365 day calendar but is there any evidence of corrections for the exact 365.242 day value? I am trying to understand the astronomic coincidences taking place at this time when the Horus cult took form.
Ancient Egypt
I don't know if it is going to impact. I except that if the ancients encoded info about this comet - maybe due to time travel, then it must have been important. We need to also keep in mind the debris from its tail, and also the far out idea that it might not be a true comet but something masquerading as a comet. Maybe it just a warning that the time is close - Revelation 5th trumpet.
Alternative Geometry and Numerology
data from wiki:
C/2012 S1, also known as Comet ISON or Comet Nevski–Novichonok, is a sungrazing comet discovered on 21 September 2012 by Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok. C/2012 S1 will come to perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on 28 November 2013 at a distance of 0.0124 AU (1,860,000 km; 1,150,000 mi) from the center point of the Sun.
Hellenic gematria:
Alternative Geometry and Numerology
QuoteHorus is the Star at the Head of the Sky
I think the meaning of head is the top. The head is the topmost part of a person. The topmost part of the sky is therefore the zenith position at a certain coordinate, this means an altitude of 90 degree or somewhere near this value.
It is easy to understand that this is the case if we look at the cult centers of Horus. Nekhen and Edfu are in Upp
Ancient Egypt
QuoteStarting with the serdab and its peepholes which were angled up at 16.5 degrees towards the circumpolar stars. The book claims this is angle was chosen to target the circumpolar star Alkaid when Sirius rose helically on the eastern horizon in 3100BC. This idea is explained in the book but seems a bit strange as there is no proof of the date of 3100BC
First of all Bauval in his book "The
Ancient Egypt
Hermione Wrote:
> I imagine that I need have no fear that you will
> take any notice whatever of anything I might say,
> but, pressing grimly on in the face of adversity,
> I suggest that, for starters, you might consult
> something like George Hart's A Dictionary of
> Egyptian Gods and Goddesses.
Thanks for
Ancient Egypt
Any link on the dm scepter, I couldn't find much on the net. I think the strange thing is that the was scepter relates to waset - Thebes, but in Thebes it was Amun and not Anubis or Set that were worshiped. Looking at the was again it looks like a line pointing to a steep upward direction. Also the circular fork on the bottom might refer to a circular origin - Earth coordinates? Who knows. I
Ancient Egypt
Hermione Wrote:
> In this one, though, I think there's rather more
> evidence to support the view that:Quote:Was
> sceptres were used as symbols of power or
> dominion, and were associated with the gods (such
> as Set or Anubis)[1] as well as with the pharaoh.
> Was sceptres also represent the Typhonic beast o
Ancient Egypt
I think the was scepter might relate to the bending of space-time see general theory of relativity - time travel and wormholes.
This way it relates to doors not opening until the right circumstances appear. This means that it might refer to the gods voyage to the home star system.
I must note that the oldest Hellenic gematria value for the Hellenic word for door is identical to Inmutef. The
Ancient Egypt
Hello Constantine,
Sorry for the delayed reply,
QuoteThe sections which actually represent whole phrases were chosen so as to comply with some number code.” Is this a presupposition or is the number code known? If so, how?
The disk decoding is based on the isopsephia notion(Greek lexarithmoi). In the modern Greek as also the ancient Greek alphabet each letter has a specific arithmetic val
Ancient History
Either around or on both sides. But in the case of Amphisa some say this refers to the mountains on both sides of the city - mount Parnassus and mount Giona.
Here I have drawn a line - curve that is equidistant to the 2 tallest mountains in the Balkans. The small line is the distance between these two mountains. Notice anything? This is an archaeology quiz.
Ancient History
Below I have drawn a circle centered at Amphipolis - the archeological site - not the tomb in question(I don't know it's exact coordinates).
The fact is that Amphipolis is equidistant to the 2 tallest mountain in the Balkans - mount Rila in Bulgaria and mount Olympus in Hellas.
The error is about 2 km. We can also take the second peak of mount Olympus which is not too steep an
Ancient History
Have archaeologists discovered the grave of Alexander the Great? Experts find enormous marble tomb fit for a king under a massive mound in Greece
The interesting thing about the Amphipolis site is its positioning. Amphipolis means amphi+polis, city on both sides, on both sides of the river. But we have names like Amphisa where the name is considered to relate to two mountains - the city
Ancient History
Constantinos Ragazas Wrote:
> Ogygos,
> Now that you stimulated by curiosity rehaistos
> Disk, I have more questions. In a previous reply
> you answered my question concerning other examples
> of 'text in spirals'. Any of these are done in
> sections, as are the Phaistos Disk?
> I have re
Ancient History
Dr. Roberta Rio proposed that the Phaistos disc might relate to the Malia kernos - offering table(trapeza). See here:
Looking at her picture of the Malia kernos with the Phaistos disk superimposed in the middle I noticed that it was out of scale - larger than it should be.
I then used the given values of the diameters for both artifacts - 0.9 meters and 0.16 meters respectively and made
Ancient History
I was thinking about that possibility but I don't know Latin and my knowledge of medieval history is also very restricted so it's not something I can look into.
Ancient History
Thanks. I used the erroneous 16 cm x 21 cm values and was not sure of the density of clay since I found different values based on clay material.
So it seems that it is official. To clear it up we need to know the estimated weight of any chipped off material and then use a high precision balance.
So there you have it:
Ancient History
This is a long shot but does anybody know how much the Phaistos disc weigh? Any idea if based on its construction material we can guess on its density? I would suspect that baking the clay would also increase the density.
Ancient History
You can see some Etruscan writing having a spiral form here:
The hieroglyphics on the Phaistos disc seem to be related to the other Cretan hieroglyphic that date as back as 2000 BC. Many believe that Linear A evolved from this writing system.
Ancient History
Hello Costa,
I don't agree on your GT - HGB idea. I think the evidence is petty conclusive that the GP pillars and artwork dates to the Mesolithic period. I see where you are coming from when stating that civilizations made these structures not certain gifted individuals. But the fact remains, we don't know what civilization we are talking about, or where it originated. Was it from o
Ancient History
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