Below is what I can find offhand. Eastabrook et al. (2022), not
only looks promising, but has PDF on file at Have fun.
Publications River Tees
Deere-Jones, T. (2022). "Mass Mortality of Marine Species
along N.E. Coast of England (2nd Report)".). Can't find online
Defra (2022). "Joint Agency Investigation into Teesside and
Yorkshire Coast Crab and Lobster Mortalities".). Can't find online
Eastabrook, C.L., Morales Maqueda, M., Vagg, C., Idomeh, J.,
Nasif-Whiteshone, T., Lawrence, P., Bronowska, A., Bothwell,
J.H., Sallach, B., Redfern, J. and Caldwell, G.S., 2022.
Determining the toxicity and potential for environmental
transport of pyridine using the brown crab Cancer pagurus (L.).
bioRxiv, pp.2022-11.
Eastabrook et al. (2022) stated:
"Computer simulations were used to model the transport of any pyridine
released from the dredging work, demonstrating the potential for a
pyridine plume to extend from Seaham to the north of the Tees to
Whitby and Robin Hood’s Bay to the south. This range corresponds
well with the reported wash-ups and subsequent declines in catch rates."
Evers, C.W., 2019. Polluted leisure. Leisure Sciences, 41(5), pp.423-440.
Murugesu, J.A., 2022. What is killing crustaceans on the UK coast?.
New Scientist, 256(3408), p. 21. []
"What is killing crustaceans on the UK coast? Pollution seems to be the
most likely culprit behind the deaths in northeast England, reports Jason
Sun, J., 2021. Connectivity restoration for fishes in post-industrial rivers
of north east England (Doctoral dissertation, Durham University).
Paul H.
"The past is never dead. It's not even past."
William Faulkner, Act 1, Scene III, Requiem for a Nun (1951)
Edited 7 time(s). Last edit at 05/19/2023 08:50PM by Paul H..