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June 1, 2024, 12:49 pm UTC    
March 11, 2018 02:11PM
Lee Olsen Wrote:
> Rick Baudé Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lee Olsen Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > >
> > >
> > > Add up the number of Homo individuals
> found
> > in
> > > California = zero, a bedtime story.
> >
> > Add up the number of individuals that have
> been
> > found at Olduvai gorge zero.
> FALSE, another bedtime story. It took .54 seconds
> for Google to find this Hominin at Olduvai:

Please. It's too easy. Remember post hoc ergo propter hoc? Let me translate it into english for you then. CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION. So they found a hominim skull there, big deal. How many other fossils did they find there? Did they rule out antelope? Hippos? Rhinos? No? Why not? That skull could have washed in from someplace else a thousand years later. It could have been the left overs from a leopard kill. Did they rule that out? No.
> Another .48 seconds for Homo habilis and from
> there thousands of unequivocal tools and other
> bifaces right down to 130,000 years ago (plus down
> to today). All the conditions for continuous
> hominin use legal in a court of law at Olduvai
> Gorge have been met. Zero for Cerutti and
> California until Arlington Man along with hundreds
> of unequivocal formal artifacts for independent
> verification.

Again correlation does not equal causation. How do you know Homo habilis made them? Did you see him make them? No. Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Wouldn't stand up in a court of law for a second.
> Add up the Old World, like all of it (instead of
> cutting out 99.9% of it) and you get hundreds of
> individuals.

So you get hundreds of individuals that supposedly made tens of thousands of tools over a multi-million year period? Oh please, what did they live to be 100,000 years old? What were they doing making bifaces every day of the week. Did you rule out construction equipment on site making them? How about plate tectonic activity that could have ground them up? No. Giant gorillas from the highland spreading out across the african plains? An extinct chimp that we don't know about that just happened to make tools (ALA the giant capuchin monkeys that made cerrutti). Or how about your beloved zombies?

Did anybody do controlled experiments using double blind studies with repeatable results? No? why not?

> No one is arguing honinins were not in the Old
> World. At around 130,000 years ago the OW has
> hundreds of hominin skeletal parts, tens of
> thousands of formal stone tools, and billons of
> flakes, while N and S America zero during that
> time.

So how much has actually been done looking for them? How many budding anthropologists are going to stake their careers on that? In today's hyper-competitive job market I sure as hell wouldn't. I would be singing in the 'clovis only' choir. So N=0.

/Alaska twins/Arlington Man skeletons (all
> roughly 13,000 yr. old or a little less) and from
> there back to 7,000,000 years ago (the arguably
> 1st Old World hominin) and you get a GIANT zero
> for the Americas.
> That flunks the governments rules for allowable
> gaps in the record and flunks the Frye and Daubers
> tests for court of law evidence and so does the
> 117,000 year Cerutti gap. Still zero tools, zero
> skeletal material, zero DNA support for Cerutti.

And just look at what happened at Cerutti. The establishment rose up en masse to blast it.
Subject Author Posted

A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Doug Weller March 09, 2018 01:48PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Rick Baudé March 09, 2018 03:03PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 09, 2018 06:32PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Khazar-khum March 10, 2018 01:36AM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 10, 2018 10:04AM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Roxana Cooper March 10, 2018 10:08AM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Khazar-khum March 10, 2018 02:06PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Allan Shumaker March 10, 2018 02:18PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 10, 2018 03:53PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Rick Baudé March 10, 2018 06:01PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Khazar-khum March 11, 2018 06:13AM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 11, 2018 07:11AM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Rick Baudé March 11, 2018 09:57AM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Khazar-khum March 12, 2018 05:08PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Rick Baudé March 12, 2018 05:29PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 12, 2018 08:54PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Rick Baudé March 12, 2018 09:58PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 12, 2018 10:36PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Rick Baudé March 12, 2018 10:42PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 12, 2018 11:43PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Khazar-khum March 13, 2018 04:04PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 13, 2018 05:55PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Khazar-khum March 14, 2018 02:11PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 14, 2018 08:09PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Khazar-khum March 15, 2018 05:32PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 15, 2018 07:56PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Khazar-khum March 16, 2018 07:12PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Rick Baudé March 16, 2018 08:11PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 16, 2018 08:59PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 21, 2018 11:24AM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 12, 2018 08:35PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Rick Baudé March 12, 2018 10:01PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 12, 2018 10:42PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Rick Baudé March 12, 2018 10:50PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 13, 2018 12:02AM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Rick Baudé March 13, 2018 12:15AM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 13, 2018 08:55AM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Khazar-khum March 13, 2018 04:08PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 13, 2018 06:21PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Khazar-khum March 14, 2018 02:12PM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 14, 2018 08:37PM

No site report means no credible data

Lee Olsen March 14, 2018 08:53AM

Re: A giant capuchin monkey is a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Homo sapiens.

Lee Olsen March 12, 2018 08:29PM

Re: Giant Prairie dogs are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Rick Baudé March 10, 2018 11:36AM

Re: Giant Prairie dogs are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Khazar-khum March 10, 2018 02:05PM

Re: Giant stories are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Lee Olsen March 10, 2018 07:28PM

Re: Giant stories are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Khazar-khum March 11, 2018 06:15AM

Re: Giant stories are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Lee Olsen March 11, 2018 07:20AM

Re: Giant stories are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Rick Baudé March 11, 2018 11:04AM

Re: Giant stories are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Khazar-khum March 12, 2018 05:09PM

Re: Giant stories are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Rick Baudé March 12, 2018 05:30PM

Re: Giant stories are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Lee Olsen March 12, 2018 08:59PM

Re: Giant stories are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Khazar-khum March 13, 2018 04:10PM

Re: Giant stories are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Lee Olsen March 13, 2018 06:12PM

Re: Giant Prairie dogs are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Lee Olsen March 10, 2018 07:13PM

Re: Giant Prairie dogs are actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Khazar-khum March 11, 2018 06:18AM

Homo invisible is actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Lee Olsen March 11, 2018 07:37AM

Re: Homo invisible is actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Rick Baudé March 11, 2018 10:52AM

Re: Homo invisible is actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Lee Olsen March 11, 2018 01:51PM

Re: Homo invisible is actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Rick Baudé March 11, 2018 02:11PM

Re: Homo invisible is actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Lee Olsen March 11, 2018 02:51PM

Re: Homo invisible is actually a better candidate for the smasher of the femurs and teeth of the Cerutti Mastodon than Giant Capuchin monkeys.

Rick Baudé March 11, 2018 02:57PM

Los Angeles Times vs Ceruttti locality 3767

Lee Olsen March 11, 2018 04:09PM

Re: Los Angeles Times vs Ceruttti locality 3767

Rick Baudé March 11, 2018 11:22PM

Re: Los Angeles Times vs Ceruttti locality 3767

Lee Olsen March 12, 2018 09:46AM

Re: Los Angeles Times vs Ceruttti locality 3767

Khazar-khum March 12, 2018 05:16PM

Re: Los Angeles Times vs Ceruttti locality 3767

Lee Olsen March 12, 2018 08:08PM

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