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September 21, 2024, 12:58 am UTC    
February 03, 2012 01:57PM
I looked into the Medina issue and this is what I found. Medina is not Polaris. Polaris is in a different constellation - in the Christian constellation.

So let's once again go to Medina at the date Sep 11 2001 and see what we can find.

Looking at the altitude at maximum culmination of Edasich we notice that while at Mecca Alnitak reaches 66.6°, here in Medina, Edasich reaches 55.507°. While Acron & Mecca relate Thuban and Alnitak via the antichrist to the pyramid age, Here Medina relates Edasich to the serpent of Genesis. Edasich - Iota Draconis is the pole star during the Genesis date (Orthodox: 5509 BC).

So 555 is the devil and 666 is the antichrist,

PARLOGOS(illogical) = IDRYMA(foundation) = 555


BEELZEBOYL(Beelzebub) = 556

para+logos => below logic = illogical (5 , devil, materialism, Dionysus)
logos => logic (6, antichrist=666, science, Athena)
hyper+logos => above logic => beyond logic (8, Jesus=888, religion, Apollo)

So the WTC 7 collapsed at 5:21:10 pm DST. This means at 4:21:10 pm local astral time.

But in in Jabal-al Nour maximum culmination for Edasich is at 4:22:59 pm local time(no DS). The error is less than 2 minutes.

Now at this exact moment , at NY or Washington the time is 9:21:10 am DST. This is 8:21:10 am local astral time.

But American Airlines Flight 77 left Washington Dulles International Airport at 8:20 am DST.

In DST the time is 9:21:10 am, and 16 minutes later the hijackers flew the plane into the Pentagon(9:37 am).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2012 02:03PM by Ogygos.
Subject Author Posted

ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

clem ciamarra January 18, 2012 03:34PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

Khazar-khum January 18, 2012 05:10PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

clem ciamarra January 18, 2012 06:50PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

Jammer January 25, 2012 02:57PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

clem ciamarra January 26, 2012 01:42AM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

Ogygos January 26, 2012 01:40PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

Ogygos January 26, 2012 02:49PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

clem ciamarra January 26, 2012 04:34PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

Roxana Cooper January 20, 2012 04:53PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

clem ciamarra January 20, 2012 07:59PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

Ogygos January 21, 2012 02:33PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

clem ciamarra January 22, 2012 02:15PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

Ogygos January 22, 2012 03:05PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

clem ciamarra January 22, 2012 07:14PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

clem ciamarra January 22, 2012 11:57PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ? final conclusion

clem ciamarra January 23, 2012 09:31PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ? final conclusion

clem ciamarra January 24, 2012 12:46PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ? final conclusion picture of leg from above

clem ciamarra January 25, 2012 11:55PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ? solved looks like

clem ciamarra February 02, 2012 10:52PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ? solved looks like

Ogygos February 03, 2012 11:55AM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ? solved looks like

Ogygos February 03, 2012 01:57PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ? leeds or me

clem ciamarra February 03, 2012 04:45PM

Re: AE symbolism in 911 ? solved looks like ALCOR AL GORE

clem ciamarra February 06, 2012 11:34AM

sept 11 911 thoth new year day - coptic calendar is sept 11

clem ciamarra March 06, 2012 06:03PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

Hermione January 22, 2012 03:07PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

clem ciamarra January 22, 2012 07:20PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

Pistol January 23, 2012 08:11AM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

clem ciamarra January 23, 2012 02:48PM

the moment of crystallization:

Jammer January 25, 2012 03:01PM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

clem ciamarra January 26, 2012 12:02AM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

Hermione January 26, 2012 08:30AM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

clem ciamarra January 26, 2012 05:17PM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

Ogygos January 27, 2012 05:52AM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

Ogygos January 28, 2012 04:34AM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

clem ciamarra January 27, 2012 05:24PM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

Jammer January 28, 2012 01:12PM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

clem ciamarra January 28, 2012 03:00PM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

Jammer January 31, 2012 11:22AM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

clem ciamarra January 31, 2012 01:49PM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

Jammer January 31, 2012 03:57PM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

clem ciamarra January 31, 2012 07:15PM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

Ogygos February 01, 2012 08:24AM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

Ogygos February 01, 2012 09:58AM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

Jammer February 01, 2012 11:42AM

Re: the moment of crystallization:

clem ciamarra February 01, 2012 01:31PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

Byrd January 31, 2012 10:05PM

Re: ancient egyptian symbolism used in 911 ?

clem ciamarra January 31, 2012 11:42PM

Freemasons and magic

Hermione February 01, 2012 07:05AM

Re: Freemasons and magic

clem ciamarra February 01, 2012 08:54AM

Re: Freemasons and magic

Hermione February 01, 2012 11:21AM

Re: Freemasons and magic

clem ciamarra February 01, 2012 01:05PM

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