Cintia Panizza Wrote:
> ... why
> described Atlantis with so many details?
As a literary device: to make the fictional narrative more credible.
> We know there are many submerged structures in
> several parts of the world. Is common knowledge
> that we know more of the Universe than of about
> our oceans. A very whole civilization can be in
> the depths of some place of our oceans. Common
> knowledge too my beliefs is very ancient advanced
> civilizations. All my researches tell me Atlantis
> is a utopian myth.
> But why this invented civilization is so strong
> until today.
The image of the drowned land or city or island (exemplified in Plato's tale of Atlantis) occupies an important place in mythical thought. Sometimes its destruction or disappearance is attributable to the bad behaviour of mankind ("Genesis", the tale of Noah [], very similar to older sources such as "Atrahasis," []; Deucalion []); compare this with the arrogance of the ancient Atlanteans. In other words, it's a kind of "Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs" [] narrative: mankind could have had a nice place to live (in the case of Gilgamesh, even immortality): but, because of irresponsible behaviour subsequently punished by the gods, that opportunity was lost.
Could the image of the drowned land be a symbol of lost chldhood or youth: a concept that could apply to the whole of humanity ... ?
> []
> []
> Many theories, should we rule out the existence of
> Atlantis forever?
It might all depend on what is meant by "Atlantis ... "
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