Hermione Wrote:
> Cintia Panizza Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > I don’t believe was about politics
> Plato was born during the Pelopennesian Wars, a
> time when, for various reasons, Athens was
> becoming ever more ambitious and powerful ...
> until its navy was defeated at the Battle of
> Aigiospotamoi in 405 BC. After this, the Thirty
> Tyrants (including Critias) took over -
> [
en.wikipedia.org], a
> turn of events viewed with dismay by Plato.
> One of the main aspects of the "Atlantis" tale is
> a warning about the dangers of a state whose
> people become corrupted by greed: and this was
> what primarily concerned Plato.
> His descriptions of Atlantis' destruction likely
> owe much to Deluge traditions current in his own
> time, such as Deucalion (whose own story was in
> turn inspired by the Near Eastern Flood myths
> described in Gilgamesh, Atrahasis, etc.): and
> possibly such events as Thera:
> [
Very good explanation. Congrats. I really learned a lot but even though I do believe Timeaeus and Critias was a form of Plato found to talk about ancient civilization. I am not alone, many are searching Atlantis under the seas.
> > and I think too
> > Atlantis is in the middle of the Atlantic
> Ocean.
> I rather doubt this. As I see it, Plato's
> Atlantis successfully tapped into a vein of much
> older myth ... but, if it never existed, there
> seems little point in seeking a physical location
> for it.
Agree. There is really no point is discuss about a physical location
Cintia Panizza
"Happiness is only real when shared."
Christopher McCandless