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Results 61 — 69 of 69
We can see all over the world ancient monuments and pyramids in several countries. If we look more we are going to find more pyramids. Pyramids were found in Brazil that could have make aboard of a complex of one thousand pyramids.
Where do this civilization who built all these things went.
I am not talking aliens here. I am referring to a lost civilization who belonged and lived on Earth
Cintia Panizza
Ancient History
In your link to Wikipedia in 1986 what really happened and it is called The Night of The Flying Saucers”. It was an very important event and the Air Force didn’t hide anything from the public due to the number of witnesses, civil and official.
The night of May 19, 1986 represents a milestone in Brazilian aviation and ufology. What became known as the "official UFO night", or "the
Cintia Panizza
Coffee Shop
The US ARMY pressure the Brazilian government to stop with the Operation Plato says Colonel Holanda. I could not find this allegation of him.
The Operation Plato was more than Wikipedia says
The true of Operation Plato, the event was real:
Cintia Panizza
Cintia Panizza
Coffee Shop
Yes, there are sambaquis but there are the supposed pyramids na Serra do Mar, in São Paulo state that from the size of the rocks seemed to be part of a very big structure
Cintia Panizza
Cintia Panizza
Ancient History
Have you read the 5 books “The Law of One”?
I found it amazing and I tried to keep a skeptical mind while reading but it presented to me as a impossible way of reading such a deep book.
What do you think about this book?
For most unliked situations mentioned it's hard not to find aswears for the questions we all had. Who are we? Why are we here? What is it the meaning of our existen
Cintia Panizza
Coffee Shop
I will summarize.
Colares Island is in the satate of Pará , here in Brazil. It's near Marajó Island also in Pará.
In the 70's a serie of events happened there involving ufo aparitions. The Army was called and the "Operação Prato"(Plate operation) start to investigate things.
Colonel Hollanda was in charge.
Colares Island is anhabited only by very humble fishmen and the
Cintia Panizza
Coffee Shop
I've had the experience of seeing UFOS three times in my life until dawn on Thursday, January 27, 2022 and so far I've only told to two very trustworthy people. One of them saw the same UFOS as me but from another part of the city. On my first experience I was nine years old. I was coming home at night from my neighbor's house and when I turned around to close the gate I saw three
Cintia Panizza
Coffee Shop
I really believe in the supernatural and i already told my experience with the supernatural in this forum.
I was laying in my bed on my right and was watching tv. I started to listen noises behind me and every time I turned nothing was there. I started to get tired to keep looking and I laughed. At the same time I laughed I was kicked on my back. I got very disturbed with this experience.
Cintia Panizza
Coffee Shop
Archaeologists have discovered the world's oldest pyramids - on the Atlantic coast of southern Brazil. Like the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, the South American ones seem to have been built for religious purposes.
The oldest Brazilian pyramids have been dated back to 3000 BC, which predate the oldest Egyptian pyramid by several hundred years. Construction methods used by the two societie
Cintia Panizza
Ancient History
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