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February 11, 2025, 9:18 am UTC    
September 18, 2015 08:26AM
Hi Byrd and in my opinion there was indeed water and an atmosphere on Mars. Now the scientific community agrees, finally. But we (scientists and I) seem to disagree on dates.

The scientists wish to place it 4 Billion years ago so they don't have to deal with the prospect, however minute, that it could have been as little as 300,00 years ago. That's is why I find the re-make of The Martian Chronicles so unexpected.

If there was water and atmosphere on Mars however long ago then I feel logic would dictate that there was probably life as well. However placing this at 4 Billion years ago allows the argument by the scientific community that life would not have had time to evolve. But I see it all going wrong on Mars about 300,000 years ago, and that gives a lot of room for evolution on Mars.

And finally for those who follow the stories in The Bible be they fact or symbolic, what planet exactly are they talking about that was "created" in "six days" Was it Earth or .... MARS ?


" If everything is simply a coincidence what then is the point of studying or measuring or analyzing anything in the ancient world ?" db
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Byrd September 17, 2015 06:44PM

Re: Graham Hancock Predicts That Earth-Destroying Comet Will Hit Earth In 20 Years

Don Barone September 18, 2015 08:26AM

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