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February 11, 2025, 10:11 am UTC    
August 10, 2015 08:45AM
Rick Baudé Wrote:
The problem is Where did the
> money come from?

That's the part I'm interested in - the rest, Occam's razor might apply depending on source of money -- context is everything ;0

Anybody that has that much coin > in the operation expects a return on their > investment.

I was going to disagree - but then I picked apart my own arguments. Except for the pyramids at Giza, and I suspect there was a return expected there... expected returns clearly don't have to be material, real, corporeal, or even possible/logical.

Also how come it's alright for
> somebody to own a couple of tons of ammo and 1200
> guns enough to arm a small army and the govt.
> won't say a thing, but pull 10,000 dollars out of
> your account just barely enough to make a down
> payment on a car and you have to notify the IRS

It's actually worse than that... it's a form of a crime 9under laundering) to have multiple accounts and pull X dollars from each of Y accounts where X is less than 10,000, but the total of X * Y > 10,000 in a defined time period... You're deemed to be actively trying to dodge that law and then they get you for more charges to boot than just failing to notify the IRS...

Oh and fyi... you don't have to notify the IRS... the bank does that for you ;0 unless it's offshore and isn't a regulatory member... but then who wants to bank there??

On the original story... I bet we never hear where the money came from for tons of ammo, 1200 guns, 14 cars, etc. etc. Never ever.

But I also disagree that 1200 guns + tons of ammo = army supplies... It depends on the guns and the category of ammo (all pistol, all rifle, etc) etc etc.

context is everything.

Subject Author Posted

The Mystery of the Man with 1200 guns continues...

Rick Baudé July 27, 2015 09:37AM

Re: The Mystery of the Man with 1200 guns continues...

Jammer July 27, 2015 11:07AM

Re: The Mystery of the Man with 1200 guns continues...

Rick Baudé July 27, 2015 11:43AM

The Mystery of the Man with 1200 guns continues.

Jammer July 27, 2015 12:15PM

Re: The Mystery of the Man with 1200 guns continues.

Rick Baudé July 27, 2015 12:21PM

Re: This is the gift that keep on giving.

Rick Baudé July 28, 2015 11:45AM

Re: The Mystery of the Man with 1200 guns continues...

Rick Baudé July 27, 2015 11:43AM

Re: The Mystery of the Man with 1200 guns continues...

sansahansan August 10, 2015 08:45AM

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