"But we have to admit that a collision with a body only a few miles across would be disastrous for humanity, and we might not cope any better than the dinosaurs did. Disturbingly, in spite of efforts to detect just this sort of threat, several of the recent near misses were detected only when they had already passed by the Earth."
As indicated, that was a quote from a book by Patrick Moore.
"If we get a large space object impact I only hope we do as good as some of the dinos did back then. I don't expect we would, but I can hope we do."
To add some perspective:
"Organisms whose major genetic characteristics have survived unchallenged for tens of millions of years can be wiped out in a few generations. Of all the species that have existed since the first emergence of life,99.9% have become extinct, or else mutated into new forms.
Science: The Definitive Guide Quercus 2010.