Surely some probability related to time frame should be stated.
"Five billion years from now, the red giant Sun will have expanded to such a size that the inner planets Mercury and Venus will be subsumed and Earth will suffer a fiery death."
Patrick Moore et ali, "Bang! The complete History of the Universe"
ISBN 978 1 84442 2319. Page 130.
Better than 1 in 7 I suggest ...
In the shorter term, there is a possibility of meteorite or even asteroid strike:
"Indeed, recently we have tracked several asteroids that have passed alarmingly near the Earth; a few have brushed by at a distance of only a few tens of thousands of miles, well within the orbit of the Moon. They are classed as PHAs or Potentially Hazardous Asteroids, and any one of these is capable of causing another "Great Dying" if it caused a direct hit."
And there are many, many more meteorites some approaching asteroids in size ...
"But we have to admit that a collision with a body only a few miles across would be disastrous for humanity, and we might not cope any better than the dinosaurs did. Disturbingly, in spite of efforts to detect just this sort of threat, several of the recent near misses were detected only when they had already passed by the Earth."
Ibid page 131.
I would suggest that "the end of the world" (depending on how you define it) will probably be within the next tens or hundreds of thousands of years, but I am not prepared to push any particular date and time.
We can expand this to the end of the Universe if you wish ...