Hermione Wrote:
> Cintia Panizza Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> ...
> > I am not just taking the ideas of Graham
> Hancock
> > blindly. I think the things he writes makes
> sense.
> ...
> But do they?
> Let us take the advice of a certain well-known
> author,:
Just because it comes from Graham Hancock,
> don't accept any ideas off the peg. Think for
> yourself. Work things out.
> Let us put this advice into practice by examining
> one particular example:
> [
> Nine objects, or sets of objects, from Cambay
> (India) are presented by Hancock as manmade.
> However, detailed study by a geologist reveals
> that they are of geological origin.
> How can it "make sense" to describe objects as
> manmade when they are in fact geological
> artefacts?
Yes, in fact that India occurrence it is very weird. Hancock doesn’t have a geology degree.
But agreeing with some person work is it not think for yourself?
Cintia Panizza
"Happiness is only real when shared."
Christopher McCandless