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September 21, 2024, 1:21 am UTC    
August 10, 2001 05:10PM
<HTML>Seems to me that the correct question here is 'what did the truck driver look for?' ... I guess his statement says it all ... "I saw nothing in sight that would have helped Ed lift this stone". If Ed had something in his hand which in the truck driver's eyes wouldn't mean anything to lift a stone, the statement is reasonable ... but then, I wasn't there ;o)

yawning smiley) Paul, al-Urman</HTML>
Subject Author Posted

Fingerprints on Ed's stones

Jim Lewandowski August 10, 2001 02:40PM

Re: Fingerprints on Ed's stones

Greg Reeder August 10, 2001 02:51PM

Veracity of Republic truck driver - eyewitness

Jim Lewandowski August 10, 2001 03:10PM

Re: Veracity of Republic truck driver - eyewitness

al-Urman August 10, 2001 05:10PM

Re: Veracity of Republic truck driver - eyewitness

Anthony August 10, 2001 05:51PM

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