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July 27, 2024, 8:39 am UTC    
May 10, 2024 01:19PM
A hidden danger lurks beneath Yellowstone
Catastrophic hydrothermal explosions rocked
the park in the past and could again in the future
Douglas Fox, Science News, May 8. 2024

One of many papers cited in the above article is:

L.A. Morgan et al. The dynamic floor of Yellowstone Lake,
Wyoming, USA: The last 14 k.y. of hydrothermal explosions,
venting, doming, and faulting. GSA Bulletin. Published online
June 7, 2022. doi: 10.1130/B36190.1. open access


Paul H.

"The past is never dead. It's not even past."
William Faulkner, Act 1, Scene III, Requiem for a Nun (1951)
Subject Author Posted

Catastrophic hydrothermal explosions, a hidden danger lying beneath Yellowstone Lake

Paul H. May 10, 2024 01:19PM

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