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July 27, 2024, 2:37 am UTC    
March 23, 2024 07:07PM
New hack clones fingerprints just by listening to fingers swipe screens
PrintListener hacking technique can steal people’s fingerprints through
a smartphone’s microphone. by Anthony Cuthbertson, The Telegraph

PrintListener: Uncovering the Vulnerability of Fingerprint Authentication
via the Finger Friction Sound, Network and Distributed System Security
(NDSS) Symposium, 26 February–1 March 2024 in San Diego, California.

Its PDF is at:

PrintListener: Uncovering the Vulnerability of Fingerprint Authentication
via the Finger Friction Sound #418< Github, February 20, 2024


Paul H.

"The past is never dead. It's not even past."
William Faulkner, Act 1, Scene III, Requiem for a Nun (1951)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2024 07:09PM by Paul H..
Subject Author Posted

PrintListener hacking technique can steal people’s fingerprints through a smartphone’s microphone

Paul H. March 23, 2024 07:07PM

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