Hodgson, S.E., McKenzie, C., May, T.W. and Greene, S.L., 2023.
A comparison of the accuracy of mushroom identification applications
using digital photographs. Clinical Toxicology, 61(3), pp.166-172.
The paywalled article by the Washington Post is:
Using AI to spot edible mushrooms could kill you
AI tools are good for some things, but don’t trust your
health to apps that make frequent mistakes
By Tatum Hunter, Washington Post, March 18, 2024
"When Australian scientists tested the accuracy of popular mushroom
ID apps last year after a spike in poisonings, they found the most precise
one correctly identified dangerous mushrooms 44 percent of the time."
An unpaywalled article is at:
Why you shouldn't trust AI to identify your mushrooms
Experts warn that AI-generated books aimed at
beginner foragers contain potentially lethal advice
Laura Brehaut, National post, September 15, 2023
Paul H.
"The past is never dead. It's not even past."
William Faulkner, Act 1, Scene III, Requiem for a Nun (1951)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2024 12:57PM by Paul H..