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December 02, 2004 04:48AM
II. Porutpaal

II.1 Arasiyal

Athikaaram 46. Sitrtrinanjchaeraamai

Kural 451

Sitrtrinam anjum perumai sirumaithaan
Sutrtramaach choozhnthu vidum.

English translation:


II.4 Social life

Chapter. 45 Avoiding mean (wrong people's) association

Kural 441.

The great of soul will mean association fear;
The mean of soul regard mean men as kinsmen dear.
(True) greatness fears the society of the base; it is only the low - minded who will regard them as friends.

Other Kurals in this chapter:

Kural - 452
The waters' virtues change with soil through which they flow;
As man's companionship so will his wisdom show.
As water changes (its nature), from the nature of the soil (in which it flows), so will the character of men resemble that of their associates.

my understanding:

when rain water reaches the ground, it acquires the nature of the soil it reaches; (implied meaning : if it was a fertile soil, the water will give crops, and if it was mud, then the water goes mud too). similarly, men will acquire knowledge (and other things) according to who they are associated with.

Kural - 453
Perceptions manifold in men are of the mind alone;
The value of the man by his companionship is known.
The power of knowing is from the mind; (but) his character is from that of his associates.

my understanding:

you would perceive things depending on what is there in your mind. similarly, you will be identified based on who you are with.

Kural - 454
Man's wisdom seems the offspring of his mind;
'Tis outcome of companionship we find.
Wisdom appears to rest in the mind, but it really exists to a man in his companions.

my understanding:

Things will look deceivingly as if you are acting according to your interests, but, it is (your actions are) mostly because of the influence of who you are with.

Kural - 455
Both purity of mind, and purity of action clear,
Leaning no staff of pure companionship, to man draw near.
Chaste company is the staff on which come, these two things, viz, purity of mind and purity of conduct.

my understanding:

Purity (goodnees) of mind and actions will come by themselves, if you just choose to be associated with good people.

Kural - 456
From true pure-minded men a virtuous race proceeds;
To men of pure companionship belong no evil deeds.
To the pure-minded there will be a good posterity. By those whose associates are pure, no deeds will be done that are not good.

Kural - 457
Goodness of mind to lives of men increaseth gain;
And good companionship doth all of praise obtain.
Goodness of mind will give wealth, and good society will bring with it all praise, to men.

Kural - 458
To perfect men, though minds right good belong,
Yet good companionship is confirmation strong.
Although they may have great (natural) goodness of mind, yet good society will tend to strengthen it.

My understanding:

Great men, though they themselve have good nature, they still will want to have good society as it strengthens them.

Kural - 459
Although to mental goodness joys of other life belong,
Yet good companionship is confirmation strong.
Future (or next life) bliss is (the result) of goodness of mind; and even this acquires strength from the society of the good.

Kural - 460
Than good companionship no surer help we know;
Than bad companionship nought causes direr woe.
There is no greater help than the company of the good; there is no greater source of sorrow than the company of the wicked.

Subject Author Posted

Sitrtrinanjchaeraamai (avoiding mean (wrong people's) association)

prema1 December 02, 2004 04:48AM

Re: Sitrtrinanjchaeraamai (avoiding mean (wrong people's) association)

cicely December 02, 2004 09:43AM

Re: Sitrtrinanjchaeraamai (avoiding mean (wrong people's) association)

Katherine Reece December 02, 2004 09:47AM

Re: Sitrtrinanjchaeraamai (avoiding mean (wrong people's) association)

cicely December 02, 2004 09:49AM

Re: Sitrtrinanjchaeraamai (avoiding mean (wrong people's) association)

prema1 December 02, 2004 10:45AM

Re: Sitrtrinanjchaeraamai (avoiding mean (wrong people's) association)

Anthony December 02, 2004 10:05AM

Re: Sitrtrinanjchaeraamai (avoiding mean (wrong people's) association)

cicely December 02, 2004 10:08AM

Re: Sitrtrinanjchaeraamai (avoiding mean (wrong people's) association)

prema1 December 02, 2004 10:38AM

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