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September 21, 2024, 1:08 am UTC    
December 09, 2018 10:45AM
Roxana Cooper Wrote:

> What is it with Brits and exotic snakes?

Well ... I'm sure some Americans like exotic snakes, too ...

Director/Moderator - The Hall of Ma'at

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Subject Author Posted

Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Hermione August 17, 2012 02:23PM

Re: Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Hermione August 17, 2012 02:37PM

Re: Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Roxana Cooper August 18, 2012 10:21AM

Re: Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Katherine Griffis-Greenberg August 19, 2012 09:50PM

Re: Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Hermione August 20, 2012 03:39AM

Re: Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Jammer August 20, 2012 01:42PM

Re: Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Hermione August 21, 2012 09:45AM

As long as we are talking about snakes

Allan Shumaker August 23, 2012 08:22PM

Re: Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Byrd September 02, 2012 01:29AM

Aberdeen woman finds snake in cutlery drawer

Hermione September 25, 2012 05:28PM

Re: Aberdeen woman finds snake in cutlery drawer

Roxana Cooper September 28, 2012 09:25AM

Re: Aberdeen woman finds snake in cutlery drawer

Johnee October 02, 2012 09:25AM

Aberdeen woman finds snake in cutlery drawer

Jammer October 03, 2012 11:30AM

Re: Aberdeen woman finds snake in cutlery drawer

Roxana Cooper October 03, 2012 12:45PM

Re: Aberdeen woman finds snake in cutlery drawer

Johnee October 03, 2012 05:23PM

Re: Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Allan Shumaker September 25, 2012 05:58PM

Re: Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Katherine Reece September 27, 2012 09:51AM

Black mamba venom is 'better painkiller' than morphine

Hermione October 04, 2012 10:43AM

Re: Black mamba venom is 'better painkiller' than morphine

Allan Shumaker October 04, 2012 11:21AM

Re: Black mamba venom is 'better painkiller' than morphine

Johnee October 04, 2012 08:59PM

Virgin birth ... not a myth

Hermione November 17, 2012 11:24AM

Re: Virgin birth ... not a myth

Allan Shumaker November 18, 2012 07:46PM

Snake wrapped around toilet seat in home in Paisley

Hermione November 21, 2012 06:39PM

Re: Snake wrapped around toilet seat in home in Paisley

Roxana Cooper November 22, 2012 12:55PM

Re: Snake wrapped around toilet seat in home in Paisley

Roxana Cooper November 22, 2012 01:08PM

Re: Snake wrapped around toilet seat in home in Paisley

Katherine Reece November 22, 2012 11:00PM

Re: Snake wrapped around toilet seat in home in Paisley

Hermione November 23, 2012 04:19AM

Re: Snake wrapped around toilet seat in home in Paisley

Roxana Cooper November 23, 2012 11:09AM

Re: Snake wrapped around toilet seat in home in Paisley

Allan Shumaker December 08, 2012 05:41PM

Re: Snake wrapped around toilet seat in home in Paisley

Jammer December 13, 2012 11:40AM

Re: Snake wrapped around toilet seat in home in Paisley

Allan Shumaker December 13, 2012 12:18PM

Re: Snake wrapped around toilet seat in home in Paisley

Katherine Griffis-Greenberg November 26, 2012 06:24AM

Re: Snake wrapped around toilet seat in home in Paisley

Allan Shumaker November 26, 2012 09:10PM

Australian toddler finds deadly snakes in wardrobe

Hermione December 21, 2012 04:11AM

Re: Australian toddler finds deadly snakes in wardrobe

Roxana Cooper December 21, 2012 11:11AM

Re: Australian toddler finds deadly snakes in wardrobe

Jammer December 27, 2012 11:05AM

Re: Australian toddler finds deadly snakes in wardrobe

Roxana Cooper December 28, 2012 10:15AM

Snakes of Borneo

Allan Shumaker January 01, 2013 09:06PM

Re: Snakes of Borneo

Roxana Cooper January 02, 2013 09:29AM

Re: Snakes of Borneo

Allan Shumaker January 02, 2013 07:32PM

Unlikely passenger found on New York subway

Hermione August 07, 2013 04:52PM

Re: Unlikely passenger found on New York subway

Khazar-khum August 08, 2013 04:15PM

Re: Unlikely passenger found on New York subway

Roxana Cooper August 09, 2013 10:33AM

Re: Unlikely passenger found on New York subway

Khazar-khum August 10, 2013 06:53PM

Re: Unlikely passenger found on New York subway

Byrd August 10, 2013 08:24PM

Goldfish found alive in pond covered by 2011 fire debris

Hermione September 19, 2013 07:53AM

Re: Goldfish found alive in pond covered by 2011 fire debris

Roxana Cooper September 19, 2013 09:56AM

Re: Goldfish found alive in pond covered by 2011 fire debris

Hermione September 19, 2013 03:13PM

The heat-seeking snake that locks on to headlamps

Hermione October 06, 2013 04:16AM

Re: The heat-seeking snake that locks on to headlamps

Roxana Cooper October 06, 2013 11:26AM

Wallaby spotted at Highgate Cemetery

Hermione October 23, 2013 07:21AM

Wallaby spotted at Highgate Cemetery

Jammer October 23, 2013 10:39AM

Bury St Edmunds 'Boa constrictor': snake seen on pavement

Hermione November 03, 2013 09:10AM

Re: Bury St Edmunds 'Boa constrictor': snake seen on pavement

Hermione November 03, 2013 09:12AM

Re: Bury St Edmunds 'Boa constrictor': snake seen on pavement

Jammer November 06, 2013 12:16PM

Hedgehogs given GPS 'backpacks' to boost survival rates

Hermione November 03, 2013 07:07PM

Row over US mobile phone 'cockroach backpack' app

Hermione November 09, 2013 01:06PM

Essex girl wakes to find fox on her bed

Hermione November 08, 2013 03:28PM

Re: Essex girl wakes to find fox on her bed

Jammer November 08, 2013 06:15PM

Re: Essex girl wakes to find fox on her bed

Roxana Cooper November 09, 2013 12:21PM

Re: Essex girl wakes to find fox on her bed

Khazar-khum November 09, 2013 06:19PM

Re: Essex girl wakes to find fox on her bed

Roxana Cooper November 09, 2013 12:20PM

Re: Essex girl wakes to find fox on her bed

Hermione November 09, 2013 01:01PM

Re: Essex girl wakes to find fox on her bed

Khazar-khum November 15, 2013 03:31PM

People of King's Lynn advised to ignore clowns

Hermione November 28, 2013 06:50PM

Re: People of King's Lynn advised to ignore clowns

Roxana Cooper November 29, 2013 12:22PM

Re: People of King's Lynn advised to ignore clowns

Hermione November 29, 2013 12:25PM

Re: People of King's Lynn advised to ignore clowns

Khazar-khum December 02, 2013 04:33AM

Re: People of King's Lynn advised to ignore clowns

Roxana Cooper December 03, 2013 11:27AM

Slothful sex

Hermione December 06, 2013 04:28AM

Re: Slothful sex

Roxana Cooper December 06, 2013 11:25AM

Slothful sex

Jammer December 06, 2013 12:47PM

Re: Slothful sex

Hermione December 06, 2013 12:55PM

Re: Slothful sex

Jammer December 06, 2013 01:04PM

Re: Slothful sex

Roxana Cooper December 06, 2013 07:30PM

Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Jammer December 07, 2013 06:37PM

Re: Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Rick Baudé December 08, 2013 10:26AM

The cow from Turriff (Aberdeen) that caused a riot

Hermione December 09, 2013 08:26AM

Big Cat mystery solved

Allan Shumaker December 12, 2013 06:50PM

Re:Fly Tipping Mystery solved

Roxana Cooper December 14, 2013 12:05PM

Not a good day to be a lion

Allan Shumaker December 19, 2013 09:55AM

Not a good day to be a lion

Jammer December 26, 2013 10:12AM

Time for a relaxing swim Downunder ...

Hermione February 06, 2014 08:22AM

Time for a relaxing swim Downunder ...

Jammer February 06, 2014 12:37PM

Re: Time for a relaxing swim Downunder ...

cicely February 07, 2014 11:48AM

Grizley vs Toyota

Allan Shumaker February 21, 2014 09:26AM

Re: Grizley vs Toyota

Hermione February 21, 2014 09:32AM

Snake videos

Allan Shumaker February 23, 2014 10:11AM

Snake eats crocodile after battle

Hermione March 03, 2014 03:23AM

Escaped sturgeon found in puddle at carwash

Hermione March 09, 2014 03:43PM

Small rodent found in Stockholm ...

Hermione March 27, 2014 07:25PM

Re: Small rodent found in Stockholm ...

Allan Shumaker March 27, 2014 08:27PM

Winchester woman finds 3ft wasp nest on bed

Hermione August 27, 2014 08:55AM

Re: Winchester woman finds 3ft wasp nest on bed

cicely August 27, 2014 01:21PM

Re: Winchester woman finds 3ft wasp nest on bed

Hermione August 27, 2014 02:25PM

Winchester woman finds 3ft wasp nest on bed

Jammer September 04, 2014 12:40PM

Re: Winchester woman finds 3ft wasp nest on bed

cicely September 05, 2014 11:10AM

Leighton Buzzard washing machine corn snake rescued

Hermione June 28, 2016 12:12PM

Boa constrictor rescued from gas fire in Gainsborough

Hermione June 28, 2016 12:13PM

Re: Boa constrictor rescued from gas fire in Gainsborough

Rick Baudé June 28, 2016 02:30PM

Boa constrictor rescued from gas fire in Gainsborough

Jammer June 29, 2016 01:07PM

Re: Boa constrictor rescued from gas fire in Gainsborough

Khazar-khum June 30, 2016 12:22PM

Boa constrictor rescued from gas fire in Gainsborough

Jammer June 30, 2016 02:16PM

Re: Boa constrictor rescued from gas fire in Gainsborough

Roxana Cooper July 01, 2016 10:19AM

Seagulls prevent letter deliveries

Hermione July 08, 2016 05:58AM

Seagulls prevent letter deliveries

Jammer July 10, 2016 04:52AM

Chester Zoo releases footage of rare giant jumping rat

Hermione September 27, 2016 04:28PM

Re: Chester Zoo releases footage of rare giant jumping rat

Roxana Cooper September 28, 2016 09:07AM

Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Jammer September 28, 2016 11:28AM

Corn snake found in car on M5 in Worcestershire

Hermione October 28, 2016 08:40AM

Re: Corn snake found in car on M5 in Worcestershire

Jammer October 28, 2016 04:30PM

Cobra in the toilet

Allan Shumaker November 30, 2016 08:02AM

Re: Cobra in the toilet

cicely November 30, 2016 12:16PM

Re: Cobra in the toilet

Jammer November 30, 2016 01:32PM

Re: Cobra in the toilet

Rick Baudé November 30, 2016 01:45PM

Re: Cobra in the toilet

Allan Shumaker November 30, 2016 04:35PM

Re: Cobra in the toilet

Jammer December 01, 2016 12:31PM

Giant alligator caught on film in Florida

Hermione January 18, 2017 01:09PM

Re: Giant alligator caught on film in Florida

Roxana Cooper January 18, 2017 01:57PM

Re: Giant alligator caught on film in Florida

Rick Baudé January 18, 2017 02:31PM

Orange Gator

Roxana Cooper February 09, 2017 06:09PM

Re: Orange Gator

Rick Baudé February 10, 2017 01:34AM

Re: Orange Gator

Khazar-khum February 10, 2017 04:27PM

Re: Orange Gator

Jammer February 25, 2017 08:13AM

Man recovered from snake (Sulawes1)

Allan Shumaker March 30, 2017 04:06PM

The epic escape of Satan

Hermione August 08, 2017 11:42AM

Re: The epic escape of Satan

Jammer August 09, 2017 05:26AM

Re: The epic escape of Satan

Hermione August 09, 2017 05:38AM

Re: The epic escape of Satan

Roxana Cooper August 12, 2017 05:14PM

Re: The epic escape of Satan

Jammer August 14, 2017 08:05AM

Bats set up home inside dinosaur

Hermione August 14, 2017 09:02AM

Woman finds long-lost diamond ring on carrot in garden

Hermione August 17, 2017 03:08AM

Uncle Fatty goes to Weightwatchers

Hermione August 18, 2017 07:37AM

Drunk and dis-horsely

Hermione August 18, 2017 08:36AM

Re: Drunk and dis-horsely

Khazar-khum August 18, 2017 07:48PM

Re: Drunk and dis-horsely

Allan Shumaker August 18, 2017 07:59PM

Re: Drunk and dis-horsely

Khazar-khum August 19, 2017 03:15PM

Re: Drunk and dis-horsely

Hermione August 19, 2017 02:10AM

Re: Drunk and dis-horsely

Jammer September 19, 2017 09:24AM

Re: Drunk and dis-horsely

Khazar-khum September 21, 2017 04:27PM

Python found lurking in bathroom toilet in Southend

Hermione September 04, 2017 07:28AM

Re: Python found lurking in bathroom toilet in Southend

Roxana Cooper September 04, 2017 09:10AM

A happy end to the story ...

Hermione September 05, 2017 06:13AM

Re: A happy end to the story ...

Jammer September 19, 2017 09:26AM

The dangers of expressing affection for a fish ...

Hermione October 12, 2017 04:06PM

Seven foot snake falls from attic hatch at Nuneaton home

Hermione September 24, 2018 02:35PM

Re: Seven foot snake falls from attic hatch at Nuneaton home

Roxana Cooper September 24, 2018 05:30PM

Re: Seven foot snake falls from attic hatch at Nuneaton home

Hermione September 25, 2018 07:23AM

Things get worse ...

Hermione October 03, 2018 07:30AM

Silver fox found roaming in garden in Alsager

Hermione November 09, 2018 12:58PM

Bat stuck on fly paper freed with butter on cotton buds

Hermione November 09, 2018 01:00PM

Re: Bat stuck on fly paper freed with butter on cotton buds

Roxana Cooper November 10, 2018 10:38AM

Re: Bat stuck on fly paper freed with butter on cotton buds

Hermione November 10, 2018 10:49AM

Re: Bat stuck on fly paper freed with butter on cotton buds

Roxana Cooper November 10, 2018 11:13AM

Wood mouse avoids entry 'charge' for Yorkshire forest

Hermione November 16, 2018 04:27AM

Re: Wood mouse avoids entry 'charge' for Yorkshire forest

Allan Shumaker November 16, 2018 10:06AM

Escaped ponies roam in rush hour traffic

Hermione November 16, 2018 09:58AM

Re: Escaped ponies roam in rush hour traffic

Roxana Cooper November 16, 2018 10:54AM

Boston boa constrictor slithers home (Lincs., UK)

Hermione December 09, 2018 09:34AM

Re: Boston boa constrictor slithers home (Lincs., UK)

Roxana Cooper December 09, 2018 09:49AM

Re: Boston boa constrictor slithers home (Lincs., UK)

Hermione December 09, 2018 10:45AM

Re: Boston boa constrictor slithers home (Lincs., UK)

Roxana Cooper December 11, 2018 04:23PM

Who's a clever boy then?

Hermione December 15, 2018 05:51AM

Cane toads hitch ride on python's back

Hermione January 01, 2019 10:55AM

Giant Gator Sighted in South Carolina.

Roxana Cooper January 07, 2019 01:28PM

Fox found napping on microwave

Hermione January 07, 2019 02:33PM

Re: Fox found napping on microwave

Roxana Cooper January 07, 2019 03:48PM

I See Your Fox -

Roxana Cooper January 08, 2019 02:07PM

Police in pursuit of on-the-run emu in Oxfordshire

Hermione January 13, 2019 02:48PM

Man starts car, sounds funny, because huge Python wrapperd around engine...

Jammer January 15, 2019 08:21AM

Re: Man starts car, sounds funny, because huge Python wrapperd around engine...

Roxana Cooper January 15, 2019 12:43PM

Carpet Python lurked in toilet and bit Brisbane woman on the bum

Allan Shumaker January 24, 2019 08:13PM

Re: Carpet Python lurked in toilet and bit Brisbane woman on the bum

Roxana Cooper January 26, 2019 09:51AM

Woman Scares Kinkajou.

Roxana Cooper February 11, 2019 04:31PM

Snake in Basildon loo poses 'wee problem'

Hermione February 21, 2019 07:14AM

The murmuring of innumerable giant bees ...

Hermione February 21, 2019 01:16PM

Snakeskin shoes ...

Hermione February 25, 2019 11:21AM

Re: Snakeskin shoes ...

Allan Shumaker February 25, 2019 11:38AM

Re: Snakeskin shoes ...

Roxana Cooper February 25, 2019 06:27PM

Re: Snakeskin shoes ...

Allan Shumaker March 02, 2019 08:21PM

Re: Snakeskin shoes ...

Roxana Cooper March 03, 2019 11:25AM

Re: Snakeskin shoes ...

Hermione March 03, 2019 12:08PM

Re: Snakeskin shoes ...

Allan Shumaker March 04, 2019 07:38PM

Re: Snakeskin shoes ...

Hermione February 27, 2019 12:57PM

Re: Snakeskin shoes ...

Roxana Cooper February 27, 2019 06:26PM

Cassowarie kills owner (Florida)

Allan Shumaker April 15, 2019 06:57AM

Children find boa constrictor in garden

Hermione April 24, 2019 01:49AM

Re: Children find boa constrictor in garden

Roxana Cooper April 24, 2019 08:20AM

Re: Children find boa constrictor in garden

Hermione April 25, 2019 12:16PM

Re: Children find boa constrictor in garden

Allan Shumaker April 25, 2019 12:38PM

Re: Children find boa constrictor in garden

Hermione April 25, 2019 01:27PM

Snake hitches ride on bus ...

Hermione April 27, 2019 10:55AM

Re: Snake hitches ride on bus ...

Roxana Cooper April 27, 2019 08:03PM

Re: Snake hitches ride on bus ...

Hermione April 28, 2019 01:25AM

Boa constrictor tries to wriggle through fence ...

Hermione September 03, 2019 07:32AM

Re: Boa constrictor tries to wriggle through fence ...

Roxana Cooper September 07, 2019 09:03PM

Re: Boa constrictor tries to wriggle through fence ...

Hermione September 08, 2019 10:55AM

Re: Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Katherine Reece September 17, 2019 05:02PM

Re: Snake found coiled round lamppost in Glasgow

Hermione September 23, 2019 08:29AM

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