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February 11, 2025, 9:10 am UTC    
December 04, 2024 10:17AM
<< The geological survey of the desert surrounding the Fayûm was commenced in October 1898. At that time the area, although so near to Cairo, was little known; the Rohlfs Expedition maps marked the region as “unexplored,” and in fact with the exception of a publication by Schweinfurth, who had traversed the region from north to south, via Qasr el Sagha and Gar el Gehannem to Rayan, there was little information obtainable. The area being of considerable size (12,000 sq. kilom.) and almost unexplored, both geologically and topographically, the primary object was to construct as rapidly as possible a general map of the depression, at the same time laying down in broad outline the chief geological formations and trusting to future opportunity to examine in more detail places of special interest. >>

Subject Author Posted

The topography and geology of the Fayum province of Egypt (Beadnell, 1905)

Hermione December 04, 2024 10:17AM

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