Megahed, M. – Jánosi, P. – Vymazalova, H., Djedkare’s pyramid complex: Preliminary report on the 2016-season, Prague Egyptological Studies 19 (2017), 37–52.
<< It was noticed during the earlier
documentation seasons that the only available architectural plans of the pyramid complex, which were published
by the Italian architects Vito Maragioglio and Celeste Rinaldi in 1962 and 1977, not only contain a number of
inaccuracies, but are also inconsistent among themselves (Megahed 2011a; Megahed 2011b; Megahed 2014;
Megahed et al. 2016; Megahed 2016: 13–14, 81; Megahed – Jánosi 2017). Therefore, it is the aim of the current
Egyptian mission to confirm or correct their plan in the areas of the mortuary temple of Djedkare, excavated in
the 1940s and 1950s. >>
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