In a strange twist of fate (or fact)...we can put off the doomsday for another 19 years.
While reviewing several different versions of the doomsday prophesy I have discovered an anomaly...a glitch in the glyph (snicker).
Many of the translations are all derived from an original. Much like the Gospels are derived from X...but that's for another day. Did anyone think to double check the original translations? MayaScript is an exact logosyllabic system...just like JavaScript. Sometimes there can be an error.It can be wrong...but still compile!
K'ak' Tiliw Chan Yopaat had made a simple transposition. Stella A and Stella C are pairs. But the dates are off by 19 years...a Mayan equivalent of the accounting transposition number.
Example: In accounting. If your out of balance, you can take the difference and divide by nine. If the answer is a whole number...then you made a transposition error. IE 12 and 21. The difference is 9... 18 and 81...difference is 63 divided by 9 = 7.
But the Mayan used a base 20 counting system so the number 12 is actually 22 in base 20. And the number 21 is 41 in base 20. So...I figure we got about 19 years left!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2012 05:19AM by Hermione.