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September 21, 2024, 1:07 am UTC    
February 05, 2023 06:24AM
Paul H. Wrote:

> Researcher uses AI to make texts that are
> thousands of years old readable
> by Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich,
> PHysOrg, February 2, 2023
> [phys.org]
> The deciphered texts are int the Electronic
> Babylonian Library
> [www.ebl.lmu.de] and
> [www.ebl.lmu.de]
> The Poor Man of Nippur
> Chapter There Once Was A Man Of Nippur, Poor And
> Needy
> [www.ebl.lmu.de]

And from [www.hallofmaat.com] see here - [www.arch.cam.ac.uk] - (video, 21:57)

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/2023 06:34AM by Hermione.
Subject Author Posted

Researcher uses AI to make Electronic Babylonian Library tablets readable - Electronic Babylonian Library

Paul H. February 04, 2023 10:31AM

Re: Researcher uses AI to make Electronic Babylonian Library tablets readable - Electronic Babylonian Library

Ahatmose February 04, 2023 05:39PM

Poor Man Of Nippur: All-action feature film starring Florence the goat

Hermione February 05, 2023 06:24AM

Re: Poor Man Of Nippur: All-action feature film starring Florence the goat

Hermione December 02, 2023 11:59AM

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