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July 27, 2024, 12:46 am UTC    
Subject Author Posted

"Black spiders" spotted in "Inca City" (Angustus Labyrinthus) on Mars

Paul H. 04/27/2024 11:30AM

Scientists may have pinpointed the true origin of the Hope Diamond and other pristine gemstones

Paul H. 04/22/2024 02:23PM

Why is a volcano in Antarctica spewing out gold dust?

Paul H. 04/19/2024 12:11PM

Microsoft’s VASA-1 can deepfake a person with one photo and one audio track

Paul H. 04/19/2024 12:01PM

A Rare Nova Explosion Will Soon Bring a ‘New Star’ to the Night Sky

Paul H. 04/19/2024 11:59AM

Mutually orthogonal splitting planes in granitic rocks

Paul H. 04/17/2024 08:22PM

‘Space junk’ crashes into Florida home from International Space Station, NASA says

Paul H. 04/16/2024 10:04AM

Some Triassic ‘Dinosaur Bones’ Belonged to Giant Ichthyosaurs, Paleontologists Say

Paul H. 04/12/2024 06:26PM

Sundhnúksgígaröð Volcano Eruption in Reykjanes, Iceland, Continues

Paul H. 04/12/2024 06:13PM

Brightest-ever cosmic explosion solved but new mysteries sparked

Hermione 04/12/2024 02:33PM

N.J. earthquake aftershock tally climbs to 34 after Friday’s big tremor. More expected.

Paul H. 04/07/2024 12:37PM

10-Year Old Used Earth Science to Save Lives during 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake

Paul H. 04/05/2024 03:23PM

New Seafloor Map Only 25% Done, with 6 Years to Go

Paul H. 04/05/2024 10:18AM

Did One Guy Just Stop a Global Cyberattack?

Paul H. 04/05/2024 10:12AM

Pliosaur sea monster enters world record books

Hermione 04/05/2024 05:02AM

Forecasters: "Extremely active" Atlantic hurricane season ahead

Paul H. 04/04/2024 12:28PM

Thousands of strange white rocks found on Mars.

Paul H. 04/03/2024 09:29PM

Re: Thousands of strange white rocks found on Mars.

Hermione 04/04/2024 12:12PM

Chinese space junk falls to Earth over Southern California (photos, video)

Paul H. 04/02/2024 09:15PM

Re: Chinese space junk falls to Earth over Southern California (photos, video)

Jammer 04/03/2024 08:51AM

Re: Chinese space junk falls to Earth over Southern California (photos, video)

Paul H. 04/03/2024 06:37PM

Re: Chinese space junk falls to Earth over Southern California (photos, video)

Jammer 04/04/2024 10:11AM

Re: Chinese space junk falls to Earth over Southern California (photos, video)

Jammer 04/04/2024 12:01PM

Microplastics and archaeology

Hermione 04/01/2024 06:02AM

Re: Microplastics and archaeology

Jammer 04/01/2024 12:19PM

Microplastics and archaeology

Jammer 04/04/2024 10:17AM

Powerful X-class solar flare slams Earth, triggering radio blackout over the Pacific Ocean

Paul H. 03/31/2024 06:51PM

Linux operating system could have been brought down by backdoor

Paul H. 03/31/2024 06:46PM

Japanese Geologists Map Biggest Volcano Eruption In The Past 11,700 Years

Paul H. 03/31/2024 06:40PM

Scientific drilling unravels historical mystery surrounding Santorini volcanic archipelago

Paul H. 03/26/2024 09:27AM

In pursuit of ghost particles and charming quarks

Hermione 03/25/2024 04:04AM

PrintListener hacking technique can steal people’s fingerprints through a smartphone’s microphone

Paul H. 03/23/2024 07:07PM

21.03.24 Drone footage from the new volcano eruption in Iceland (lava flow on day 6)

Paul H. 03/23/2024 10:26AM

New Zealand's 10th meteorite discovered by couple sitting in Queenstown spa

Paul H. 03/23/2024 10:17AM

Why you shouldn't trust AI to identify your mushrooms

Paul H. 03/18/2024 12:55PM

The Sea Creatures That Opened a New Mystery About MH370.

Paul H. 03/17/2024 11:33AM

Iceland violent volcanic flare-up triggers state of emergency

Paul H. 03/17/2024 08:45AM

Drowned island the size of Iceland found off Brazil

Paul H. 03/15/2024 11:11AM

Giant volcano discovered on Mars

Paul H. 03/13/2024 09:17PM

Claims of "Alien" Extrasolar Spherules from Pacific Ocean Disputed

Paul H. 03/13/2024 09:07PM

Superconductivity scandal: the inside story of deception in a rising star’s physics lab

Paul H. 03/12/2024 03:57PM

Have Nematodes in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Adapted to Survive in High Radiation ?

Paul H. 03/11/2024 09:48PM

The mystery of the sick dogs and dying fish in NE and Eastern England

Hermione 06/27/2022 02:38PM

Re: The mystery of the sick dogs and dying fish in NE and Eastern England

Hermione 06/27/2022 03:02PM

Redcar councillors call for reinvestigation into shellfish deaths

Hermione 07/18/2022 08:36AM

Toxic chemical may have killed crabs on North East coast (Oct 2022)

Hermione 01/16/2023 08:56AM

Algae? Or pyridine?

Hermione 10/28/2022 02:50AM

Pulbications - River Tees

Paul H. 05/19/2023 08:26PM

Climate change: Sudden heat increase in seas around UK and Ireland

Hermione 06/19/2023 07:53AM

huge jellyfish swarm in Hunstanton

Hermione 06/22/2023 12:17PM

Dead fish inland (river in Cambridgeshire)

Hermione 06/25/2023 06:08AM

Causes of oxygen depletion: rising temperatures

Hermione 06/25/2023 06:38AM

Causes of oxygen depletion: raw sewage discharge

Hermione 06/25/2023 06:40AM

How warming oceans are driving the climate juggernaut

Hermione 07/09/2023 03:43AM

Dozens fall ill after Sunderland triathlon

Hermione 08/06/2023 10:11AM

Re: Dozens fall ill after Sunderland triathlon

Hermione 08/06/2023 10:32AM

Re: The mystery of the sick dogs and dying fish in NE and Eastern England

Hermione 02/15/2024 01:05PM

River Frome algae poisoning risk

Hermione 07/23/2022 10:25AM

Re: River Frome algae poisoning risk

Hermione 07/23/2022 10:32AM

Mass fish deaths: Searching for clues to Polish-German border

Hermione 08/27/2022 05:42AM

Re: Mass fish deaths: Searching for clues to Polish-German border

Hermione 01/16/2023 09:20AM

"Golden algae" in the Odra River ...

Hermione 01/20/2023 09:33AM

Re: Mass fish deaths: Searching for clues to Polish-German border

Paul H. 05/19/2023 07:53PM

Fishermen begin legal campaign

Hermione 08/31/2022 06:01AM

New study points to pyridine pollution as the most likely culprit (Oct 2022)

Hermione 01/16/2023 08:43AM

Calls for shellfish die-off public inquiry (May 2023)

Hermione 05/19/2023 02:55AM

Even newer study concludes pyridine unlikely to be the culprit (Nov 2023)

Hermione 11/03/2023 06:22PM

Fishermen fear further shellfish die-off

Hermione 01/15/2023 01:25PM

Study links crab deaths and dog illness to dredging (Feb 2022)

Hermione 01/16/2023 08:51AM

Shellfish deaths possibly caused by new disease (20 1 23)

Hermione 01/20/2023 09:18AM

Mystery over spate of dead porpoises along coast (Druridge Bay) (March 2024)

Hermione 03/11/2024 04:55PM

Re: Mystery over spate of dead porpoises along coast (Druridge Bay) (March 2024)

Hermione 03/11/2024 04:57PM

Pentagon UFO office finds 'no empirical evidence' for alien technology in new report

Paul H. 03/10/2024 09:51AM

Re: Pentagon UFO office finds 'no empirical evidence' for alien technology in new report

Hermione 03/11/2024 04:23AM

Interstellar Meteorite was Just a Truck

Paul H. 03/08/2024 03:01PM

Barnacles Help Reconstruct Drift Path of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Debris

Paul H. 10/06/2023 09:45AM

MH370: The families haunted by one of aviation's greatest mysteries

Hermione 03/08/2024 11:02AM

This Bird Is Half Male, Half Female, and Completely Stunning

Paul H. 03/07/2024 08:40PM

Mary Anning: Stamps celebrating pioneering fossil hunter revealed, BBC News

Paul H. 03/07/2024 08:39PM

Scientists take a small step closer to resurrecting the woolly mammoth

Paul H. 03/07/2024 07:49PM

World's earliest forest discovered

Hermione 03/07/2024 10:11AM

The Comet Strike Theory That Just Won’t Die

Hermione 03/07/2024 08:42AM

Re: The Comet Strike Theory That Just Won’t Die

Hermione 03/07/2024 08:47AM

Helium discovery in northern Minnesota may be biggest ever in North America

Paul H. 03/05/2024 06:31PM

Scientists reveal how first cells could have formed on Earth

Paul H. 03/04/2024 10:54PM

Amateur Paleontologist and His Dog Uncover Rare Titanosaur Fossil in France

Paul H. 03/04/2024 10:06PM

The Extent and Consequences of P-Hacking in Science

Paul H. 03/03/2024 11:30AM

Gravitational anomalies reveal seamount 3 times the height of world's tallest building

Paul H. 02/27/2024 11:33AM

Met Office Warns of Possible Eruption in Reykjanes Ice Land, Next Week,

Paul H. 02/25/2024 07:10PM

Live Cam of Erupting Popocatépetl Volcano on the borders of Mexico City

Paul H. 02/25/2024 06:14PM

A remarkable marine archosauromorph from the Middle Triassic of southwestern China

Paul H. 02/23/2024 07:40PM

A shallow lake in Canada could point to the origin of life on Earth

Paul H. 02/18/2024 10:04PM

Japan to Launch Satellite Made of Wood

Paul H. 02/18/2024 09:45PM

Fossilized skin of Tridentinosaurus found to be modern paint

Paul H. 02/17/2024 10:52AM

'Zombie Fires' burning at an alarming rate in Canada

Hermione 02/17/2024 08:29AM

Beneath Earth's Surface, Clues to Life's Origin - The Lost City Hydrothermal Field

Paul H. 02/11/2024 12:05PM

Footprints of birds, pterosaurs, dinosaurs below the K/Pg boundary, Las Encinas,Formation, Coahuila, Mexico

Paul H. 02/10/2024 08:43PM

Abrupt Holocene ice loss due to thinning and ungrounding in the Weddell Sea Embayment.

Paul H. 02/10/2024 10:50AM

A Cretaceous frog with eggs found in northwestern China

Paul H. 02/09/2024 07:06PM