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It is almost certainly a simplification and the number twelve had significance meaning that the number may not be accurate and I am perfectly comfortable in believing the named founders of the tribes were not all brothers and sons of Jacob.
Roxana Cooper
Ancient History
I'd like to see how this corridor relates to the known features .
Roxana Cooper
Ancient Egypt
It will be interesting to learn which king she was married to. Amenhotep II is missing a Great Wife isn't he?
Roxana Cooper
Ancient Egypt
Taking all the fun out of archaeology!
Roxana Cooper
Coffee Shop
Quite a sad story really.
Roxana Cooper
Is this a different Neith from the wife of Pepi II, and the same?
Roxana Cooper
Ancient Egypt
It may have been a way of identifying prisoners of war.
Roxana Cooper
Ancient Egypt
You seem to be confusing the 22nd through 24th dynasties of the third intermediate period with the Ptolemies who came much later.
The Nubian pharaohs definitely considered themselves a 'native dynasty' whatever that may mean, and restorers of Maat. Culturally they were as Egyptian as any northerner.
Roxana Cooper
Ancient Egypt
Ditto! Call me cynical but I don't believe ancient people were so completely different from modern ones.
Frankly I read Romer for archeological information and to enjoy his lyrical prose.
Roxana Cooper
Ancient Egypt
I am reading John Romer's history of Egypt, not for the first time, and he is annoying me, again not for the first time.
Romer seems intent on pushing the narrative of a totally non violent and unwarlike early Egypt, any interpretations to the contrary being the result of nineteenth century imperialists and colonizers projecting onto the past.
He conveniently ignores the fact that ninetee
Roxana Cooper
Ancient Egypt
I've always wonder3 a bit about the hanging gardens, there doesn't seem to be any corroborative evidence for their existence.
Roxana Cooper
Ancient History
I've heard the last case before in more detail, and a very odd story it is. There are a number of similar reports of people hiking or camping alone being harassed and frightened by mysterious pursuers. In some cases they are no doubt tangling with genuine human beings but in others I believe that they have been stricken with Panic in the ancient Greek sense of fear of the wilderness.
Oh and
Roxana Cooper
I'd say despicable lack of ethics myself.
Roxana Cooper
I agree with you, Cladding. This has got to be a first!
Roxana Cooper
Ancient Egypt
Very simple and elegant. The Lady had good taste as well as wealth.
Roxana Cooper
Because people consistently underestimate what can be accomplished with simple tools and unlimited manpower.
Roxana Cooper
Ancient Egypt
Great find! But I'm not quit clear on the dating of the graveyard, we seem to be talking fifth and sixth century?
Roxana Cooper
Ancient History
It sounds like Meter and his team were expected to turn their hands to a variety of tasks in royal service. AE officials usually held a variety of offices covering all sorts of activities, it sounds like that kind of flexibility applied lower down as well.
Roxana Cooper
Ancient Egypt
For one thing he seems to exaggerate the number of actual converts among the Khazars. I gather that the entire story of a Jewish Khazar state is now being questioned. There is documentary evidence for the practice of Judaism in khazaria but it seems to have had a lot of competition from other religions, Islam, Christianity, even Buddhism with much better track records for mass conversion. The ap
Roxana Cooper
Paper Lens
IMO the statute of limitations covers it. I understand Greece wanting the marbles but I honestly don't believe they have a moral right to them.
Roxana Cooper
Ancient History
As I recall there is at least some.
Roxana Cooper
Paper Lens
Genghis Khan was a brutal conqueror but as a husband he was a downright pussycat. Borte was the great empress but Genghis's secondary wives ruled their own courts and territories and Genghis seems to have been affectionate towards all of them, including the wife he divorced!
Roxana Cooper
I seriously doubt it. Plato wasn't a mystogue he was a philosopher. He wanted to communicate clarity not make mysteries! I can't see any reason for him to play games of that kind.
Roxana Cooper
Ancient History
Ick. But I believe organ meats have been considered a delicacy by many cultures.
Roxana Cooper
Ancient History
Poor Pliny, and his poor mother! It must have been a horrific experience and they, though they didn't know it, were actually relatively safe. Pliny's uncle, originally named Pliny the Elder, died trying to rescue inhabitants of the seaside villas. It sounds like poisonous gases released by the eruption got him. His age and physical condition must have made him more vulnerable as others
Roxana Cooper
Ancient History
They tore down a genuine public and rebuilt it as a phony cliff dwellings and attraction? That's just awful!
Roxana Cooper
Ancient History
Going by the statue head Cleopatra was a perfectly pleasant looking young woman, especially if the nose is minimized by full face. But you're right, pharaonic statuary was really portraiture except under Akhenaten.
Roxana Cooper
Ancient Egypt
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